Students come to study in UK from all
over the world. There are currently more than 270,000 international students in
the UK. Of that number, about 75% are on higher education courses, with 130,500
(almost equal numbers of men and women) studying full-time undergraduate
courses. Why do they come here Why should you consider doing the same First, you will gain a high quality qualification that is recognized worldwide. Thousands of international students have used their UK qualifications to get a good job. Just make sure that if you have a particular job and qualification in mind you check before you apply that the qualification will be recognized by employers in your own country. Second, if English is not your mother tongue, you will probably be completely fluent by the time you graduate. One of other reasons for A. UK students who want to study abroad B. international students who have UK qualification C. international students who want to study in the UK D. the staff of the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service [单项选择]Friction between America’s military and its civilian overseers is nothing new. America’s 220-year experiment in civilian control of the military is a recipe for friction. The nation’s history has seen a series of shifts in decision-making power among the White House, the civilian secretaries and the uniformed elite (精英). However, what may seem on the outside an unstable and special system of power sharing has, without a doubt, been a key to two centuries of military success.
In the infighting dated to the revolution, George Washington waged a continual struggle not just for money, but to control the actual battle plan. The framers of the Constitution sought to clarify things by making the president the "commander in chief. " Not since Washington wore his uniform and led the troops across the Alleghenies to quell (镇压) the Whiskey Rebellion has a sitting president taken command in the field. Yet the absolute authority of the president ensures his direct command. The president was bo A. Roosevelt was better prepared to be a wartime president than Lincoln B. in the Second World War, the relationship between the White House and the generals was intense C. both Lincoln and Roosevelt were good wartime presidents, although their actual way of dealing with things may be different D. George Washington was actually the best president [单项选择]作为固定电话的延伸和补充,小灵通因其省电,音质好、绿色环保等特点有很大的吸引力,但其传输性能,覆盖性能都远不如移动通讯技术,退市有其必然性。小灵通的命运告诉我们()
A. 任何事物都有其变化发展的规律 B. 人们能够建立新的具体联系 C. 旧事物总要阻扰新事物的成长 D. 矛盾具有普遍性 [判断题]生产现场带班人员、班组长和调度人员,在遇到险情时第一时间向主要负责人汇报,不得下达停产撤人命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]作战的基本原则有()。
A. 区分原则 B. 相称原则 C. 纽伦堡原则 D. 条约无规定不得免除国际法义务原则 [判断题]浮动利率:是指在金融工具的业务合同中,借贷双方约定在该业务持续期间,在指定的日期,或者根据某些参考利率的变动,而可以变更一次的利率。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]11.牵引机进线口、张力机出线口与邻塔导线悬挂点的仰角不宜大于( ) 度,俯角不宜大于5°
A. 维生素A B. 维生素B13 C. 维生素C D. 维生素E [单选题]新工人的三级安全教育是指( )、车间教育和班组教育。
A.启蒙教育 B.厂级教育 C.礼仪教育 [单项选择]宫颈癌淋巴结转移一级组不包括()。
A. 髂内淋巴结 B. 闭孔淋巴结 C. 宫颈旁淋巴结 D. 髂总淋巴结 E. 髂外淋巴结 [多项选择]下列表述正确的是 ( )
A. 所有进境集装箱应实施动植物检疫 B. 所有进境集装箱应实施卫生检疫 C. 所有出境集装箱应实施卫生检疫 D. 所有出境集箱装箱应实施适载检疫 [单选题]韩国居民崔先生受其供职的境外公司委派,来华从事设备安装调试工作,在华停留60天,期间取得境外公司支付的工资40000元,取得中国体育彩票 中奖收入20000元。崔先生应在中国缴纳个人所得税( )元。
A.4000 B. 5650 C.9650 D. 10250 [判断题]空想社会主义的思想是科学社会主义的直接思想来源,因为三大空想社会主义者的社会历史观基本上是唯物主义的。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交