Salt, shells or metals are still used as money in out-of-the-way parts of the world today.
Salt may seem rather a strange (21) to use as money, (22) in countries where the food of the people is mainly vegetable, it is often an (23) necessity. Cakes of salt, stamped to show their (24) , were used as money in some countries until recent (25) , and cakes of salt (26) buy goods in Borneo and parts of Africa.
Sea shells (27) as money at some time (28) another over the greater part of the Old World. These were (29) mainly from the beaches of the Maldives Islands in the Indian Ocean, and were traded to India and China. In Africa, shells were traded right across the (30) from East to West.
Metal, valued by weight, (31) coins in many parts of the world. Iron, in lumps, bars or rings, is still used in many countries (32) paper money. It can either be exchanged <
A. against
B. as
C. in
D. for
A few common misconceptions. Beauty is
only skin-deep. One’s physical assets and liabilities don’t count all that much
in a managerial career. A woman should always try to look her best. Over the last 30 years, social scientists have conducted more than 1,000 studies of how we react to beautiful and not-so-beautiful people. The virtually unanimous conclusion: Looks do matter, more than most of us realize. The data suggest, for example, that physically attractive individuals are more likely to be treated well by their parents, sought out as friends, and pursued romantically. With the possible exception of women seeking managerial jobs, they are also more likely to be hired, paid well, and promoted. Un-American, you say, unfair and extremely unbelievable Once again, the scientists have caught us mouthing pieties (虔诚) while acting ju A. people do not realize the importance of looking one’s best B. women in pursuit of managerial jobs are not likely to be paid well C. good-looking women aspire to managerial positions D. attractive people generally have an advantage over those who are not [单项选择]在中枢神经系统内,神经元间兴奋的化学传递的下列特征中,哪一项是错误的
A. 单向传递 B. 不衰减 C. 时间延搁 D. 电化学反应 E. 易疲劳 [简答题]说明FRANCOTOSI燃煤锅炉回转式空气预热器电动和气动驱动转速及其密封系统的形式与调整。
[判断题]2.48 已注册登记的机动车被盗抢骗的,车辆管理所应当根据刑侦部门提供的情况,在计算机登记系统内记录,停止办理该车的各项登记和业务。被盗抢骗机动车发还后,车辆管理所应当恢复办理该车的各项登记和业务。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]试飞的简字简语是()。
A. R/Z B. S/Q C. O/F D. S/F [判断题]简电开信用证是无效的,收益人在未收到mailconfirmation前不能仓促出货,以免影响正常收款。
A.小 B.大 C.稳定 D.差不多 [多选题]电缆线芯的材料应是( )。
A.导电性能好 B.有好的机械性能 C.资源丰富的材料 D.廉价。 [单选题]所属知识 : -> 电工技师理论知识 -> 基础知识 -> 安全知识 -> 绝缘工具的试验标准
高压电极应使用直径不小于( )的金属管。 A. 10mm B. 20mm C. 30mm D. 40mm [单选题]Cabernet sauvignon
A.原产自法国波尔多,是全世界最受欢迎的深色酿造葡萄酒 B.在全世界五大洲有种植 C.特性强,酚类物质含量高,颜色深,单宁含量高 D.以上全选 [单项选择]合同履行应当遵循的原则是( )。
①适当履行原则;②协作履行原则;③情事变更原则;④强制履行原则; A. ②③④ B. ①②③ C. ①③④ D. ①②④ [单选题]作业票工作内容完成后,应清扫整理作业现场,作业负责人应检查作业地点状况,落实现场安全防护措施,并向()汇报。
A.安全监护人 B.监理工程师 C.作业票签发人 D.作业许可人 [判断题]直流母线电压不允许过高或过低,一般不允许超过额定电压的±10%。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
在进行口对口人工呼吸时结合胸外心脏按压的原理是什么 A.肺通气 B.肺换气 C.气体在血液中的运输 D.肺表面张力回缩 E.内呼吸 我来回答: 提交