Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an (1) should be made even before the choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually, (2) , most people make several job choices during their working lives, (3) because of economic and industrial changes and partly to improve (4) position. The "one perfect job" does not exist. Young people should (5) enter into a broad flexible training program that will (6) them for a field of work rather than for a single (7) .
Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans (8) benefit of help from a competent vocational counselor or psychologist. Knowing (9) about the occupational world, or themselves for that matter, they choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss (10) .Some drift from job to job. Others (11) to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not fitted.
One co
A. proposal
B. suggestion
C. consideration
D. appraisal
Have you ever been afraid to talk back when
you were treated unfairly Have you ever bought something just because the
salesman talked you into it Are you afraid to ask a boy (girl) for a
date Many people are afraid to assert themselves (insist upon their own rights).Dr.Robert Alberti, author of Stand Up’ Speak Out, and Talk Back, thinks it’s because their self-esteem (自尊) is low."Our whole set-up makes people doubt themselves," says Alberti. "There’s always a ’superior’ around—a parent, a teacher, a boss—who ’knows better’." But Alberti and other scientists are doing something to help people to assert themselves. They offer "assertiveness training" courses (AT). In the AT courses people learn that they have a right to be themselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about A. some people are too easy-going B. some people are too timid C. there are too many superiors around us D. some people dare not defend their own rights [多选题]高压试验时,加压过程中应有人()并(),试验人员应随时警戒异常现象发生,操作人应站在绝缘垫上。
A.监护 B.通报 C.呼唱 D.看护 [单选题]扑救地下建筑火灾内攻路线的选择应是()。
A.地下建筑内进风的安全出入口 B.扶梯 C.避难层 D.选择有利于直攻火点的位置进行 [单选题]焊接区中的氧通常是以(___)两种形式溶解在液态铁中。
A.原子氧和氧化亚铁(FeO) B.分子氧和氧化铁(Fe2O3) C.原子氧和氧化铁(Fe2O3) D.分子氧和氧化亚铁(FeO) [单项选择]
男,3个月。生长发育良好,体重为5kg,因母亲患慢性疾病,需停用母乳而改牛奶喂养 该婴儿每天需8%糖牛奶量及另需补充的水分为8%糖牛奶(m1)另补水分(m1)()。A. 350 100 B. 450 150 C. 550 200 D. 650 250 E. 750 300 [判断题] ( )危害是指可能造成人员伤害、职业病、财产损失、环境破坏的根源或状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]约翰不习惯这⼉的新⽣活,所以打算搬⾛。(be accustomed to)
[单选题]在互感器二次回路上工作,采取防止电流互感器二次回路( ),电压互感器二次回路( )的措施。
A.A-开路、开路 B.B-开路、短路 C.C-短路、开路 D.D-短路、短路 [名词解释]相互持股
A. 甲国人A具有行为能力,该合同有效 B. 甲国人A不具有行为能力,该合同无效 C. 甲国人A具有限制行为能力,A、B两人协议履行合同 D. 上述三项均错误 [单选题]为了保证GPS网一定的几何强度,国标中对各等级GPS多边形网与附合导线网的边数做出限制,就C级网而言边数应 ( )
A.小于等于5 B.小于等于8 C.小于等于6 D.小于等于10 [单项选择]我国男子足球队首次进入世界杯决赛阶段比赛的时间是()。
A. 1998年 B. 2002年 C. 2006年 D. 1994年 [单选题]某研究团队让两批测试者分别进入睡眠实验室里睡上一夜。第一批被安排睡得很晚,从而减少总睡眠时间;第二批被安排睡得早,但在睡眠过程中多次被吵醒。第二晚过后,结果就已经显现:第二批测试者的积极情绪受到严重影响。他们的精力水平较低,同情心和友善度等积极情绪指数有所下滑。部分研究者据此认为,被吵醒导致了测试者无法得到足够的慢波睡眠,而慢波睡眠是恢复精力感的关键,但也有研究者对此项研究的可信度提出质疑。
A.第一批测试者积极情绪的指数下滑程度不太明显 B.第二批测试者中大部分人长期以来情绪不够积极 C.两批测试者的健康状况和心理素质原本就很接近 D.两批测试者在参与睡眠实验前精力水平参差不齐 [多选题] 下列选项中属于个人贷款产品要素的有()
A. 还款方式 B. 贷款条件 C. 贷款额度 D. 贷款期限 E. 贷款对象 [单项选择]下述有关假小叶的描述中,哪项是错误的( )
A. 体积大小不等 B. 肝细胞索排列紊乱 C. 肝细胞异型性显著 D. 可见汇管区 E. 中央静脉偏位或缺如 我来回答: 提交