The First Navigational Lights In the New World the first navigational lights were probably lanterns hung at harbor entrances. The first lighthouse was put up by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1716 on little Brewster Island at the entrance to Boston Harbor. Paid for and maintained by "light dues" levied on ships, the original beacon was blown up in 1776. By then there were only a dozen of so true lighthouses in the colonies. Little over a century later, there were 700 lighthouses. The first eight lighthouses erected on the west coast in the 1850’s featured the same basic new England design: a Cape Cod dwelling with the tower rising from the center or standing close by. In New England and elsewhere, though, lighthouses reflected a variety of architectural styles. Since most station A. The first lantern wicks were developed there. B. It was tile headquarters of the United States Lighthouse Board. C. Many of the tallest lighthouses were built there. D. The first lighthouse in North America was built there. [判断题]防火门除具有普通门的作用外,更重要的是还具有阻止火势蔓延和烟气扩散的特殊功能。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]
Surprisingly enough, modern historians have rarely interested themselves in the history of the American South in the period before the South began to become self- consciously and distinctively "Southern"--the decades after 1815. Consequently, the cultural history of Britain’s North American empire in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries has been written almost as if the Southern colonies had never existed. The American culture that emerged during the Colonial and Revolutionary eras has been depicted as having been simply an extension of New England Puritan culture. However, Professor Davis has recently argued that the South stood apart from the rest of American society during this early period, following its own unique pattern of cultural development. (47) The case for Southern distinctiveness rests upon two related premises: first, that the cultural similarities among the five Southern colonies were far more impressive than the differences, and seco [判断题]按物资材料的自然属性不同,可分为金属材料、非金属材料,机电设备,通信信号器材等。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]全部使用国有资金投资或者国有资金投资占控股或者主导地位的工程建设项目,应当进行邀请招标。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]破拆排烟口时,一般情况下只需开出多个小孔。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]非住宅建设用地使用权出让合同约定的使用年限届满,土地使用者需要继续使用土地的,应当至迟于期满前( )年向土地管理部门提出申请。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单选题]下列表述中,正确的是( )。
A.内力不但与梁的长度方向的尺寸和外力(包括反力)有关,而且与支承条件有关 B.应力不但与内力有关,而且与材料性能有关 C.应力和内力均与材料性能有关 D.内力只与梁的长度方向的尺寸和外力(包括反力)有关,与其他无关;而应力只与内力及截面形状和尺寸有关,与其他无关 [判断题]加气站、加油加气合建站应设置可燃气体检测报警系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]我们常说“瘦死的骆驼比什么大”?
[简答题]煤气、天然气、氢气、甲烷、乙炔、丙烷等燃烧的火灾属于( )类火灾。
[单选题]焊缝成形系数值小,则表示焊缝( ),这样的焊缝中容易产生气孔和裂纹。
A.宽而深 B.窄而深 C.宽而浅 D.窄而浅 [单项选择]北洋军阀的统治开始于()
A. 黎元洪 B. 段祺瑞 C. 张作霖 D. 袁世凯 [单选题]JZXC-480型轨道电路测试盘上的表头发生短路故障时,()发生烧熔断器故障。
A.会 B.可能 C.不会 D.无法判断 [判断题] "所有执行GMP的责任人员必须以口述形式说出各自的工作职责。( )
对、对 错、× " A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]精益生产是通过系统结构、人员组织、运行方式和市场供求等方面的变革,最大限度地消除浪费和降低库存以及缩短生产周期,力求实现低成本准时生产的技术,其最终目的是通过流程整体优化、均衡物流、高效利用资源、消灭一切库存和浪费,达到用最少的投入向顾客提供最完美价值的目的。根据上述定义,下列属于精益生产的是
A.为了抢占市场,甲公司不断提高空间利用率 B.乙公司投入了大量资金以缩短其产品生产周期 C.丙公司的强大供货体系保证它能随时满足客户 D.丁公司充分发挥自身优势建立了超快的物流系统 [多选题]下列情形中,不用搜查证也可以进行搜查的是()。
A.在办理一起盗窃案时,对犯罪嫌疑人甲在其住处执行逮捕时,发现其同案犯有可能藏匿在其住处 B.在对犯罪嫌疑人乙执行取保候审时,发现其住处可能藏有剧毒物品 C.在犯罪嫌疑人丙的住处对丙执行逮捕时,发现其正将作案工具烧毁 D.群众报警称被监视居住的丁的住所内违法存放爆炸物质,可能存在爆炸危险 [判断题]在工作周期末考核班组绩效时应该重点考核班组成员履行岗位职责的情况及既定工作目标的达成情况,这样提高了考核的客观性,不易产生争议。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]地层压力系数小的地层()发生溢流。
A. 也可能 B. 不可能 [单项选择]管理会计预算管理体系中的目标与业务计划直接如何达成一致()?
A. 通过梳理实现路径结合数据分析而来 B. 只通过估计完成 C. 部门会议沟通完成 D. 管理层分析 [不定项选择题]A.发病率
A.生存率 B.患病率 C.某病死亡率 D.某病病死率 E.用于评价慢性病的治疗效果的指标是 [单选题]路基侧沟的深度和宽度均不应小于( )。
A.0.3 B.0.4 C.0.6 D.0.8 [多选题]坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,就要( )。
A.坚持节约优先.保护优先.自然恢复为主 B.着力推进绿色发展.循环发展.低碳发展 C.形成节约资源和保护环境空间格局.产业结构.生产方式.生活方式 D.建立系统完整的生态文明制度体系,用制度保护生态环境 [单选题]金某,40岁,女性、颈部包块3个月,无其他不适、下颌角后方触及质硬、固定包块,无触痛,应首先检查为 ( )
A.鼻咽部 B.喉咽部 C.耳部 D.甲状腺 E.扁桃体 [单选题]一般液压系统都配置了低压循环过滤器、高压泵过滤器、回油过滤器及补油过滤器,滤芯过滤精度最高的是( )。
A.低压循环滤芯 B.高压泵滤芯 C.回油滤芯 D.补油滤芯 : 我来回答: 提交