The newspaper must provide for the
reader the facts, pure, objective facts. But in these days of complex news it
must provide more; it must supply interpretation, the meaning of the facts. This
is the most important assignment confronting American journalism—to make clear
to the reader the problems of the day, to make international news as
understandable as community news, to recognize that there is no longer any such
thing as "local" news, because any event in the international area has a local
reaction in manpower floating, in economic pressure, in terms, indeed, of our
very way of life. There is in journalism a widespread view that when you embark on interpretation, you are entering dangerous waters, the swirling tides of opinion. This is nonsense.A. He thinks the interpretation of news is absolutely nonsense. B. He doubts whether the reporters are capable of making it objective. C. He holds the opinion that total objective interpretation can not be achieved. D. He believes interpretation is as objective as the human beings can be. [多选题]锅炉出现超压事故应采取()。
A.迅速减弱燃烧; B.手动开启安全阀或放气阀; C.加大给水; D.加强排污 [填空题]当对象得到焦点时,会触发GotFocus事件,当对象失去焦点时将触发 【7】 事件。
[单选题] 依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》规定,高压设备接地故障时,室内不得接近故障点()以内。
反馈 A.4.m B.3.m C.2.m D.2..5.m [多项选择]行为目标包括的要素()
A. 核心的行为 B. 行为产生的条件 C. 行为结果 D. 具体内容 [单项选择]If we are to use the technique of IC analysis to analyze the sentence he comes here to make his speech, where is the first cut
A. between he and comes B. between comes and here C. between make and his D. between his and speech [单选题]PK酶缺陷溶血性贫血( )
A.自身溶血增加,加葡萄糖及ATP能纠正 B.自身溶血轻度增强,加葡萄糖轻度纠正 C.自身溶血明显增加,加葡萄糖不能纠正 D.自身溶血减低,加葡萄糖不能纠正 E.自身溶血减低,加葡萄糖明显纠正 [单选题]手术间的清洁与消毒应该( )
A.每天大扫除 B.每日清晨湿式拖地,每周一次大扫除 C.每2周一次大扫除 D.每3周一次大扫除 E.每月一次大扫除 [单选题]口服乳剂质量验收的内容包括( )
A.色泽、霉变、渗 漏、变形 B.色泽、霉变、渗漏、漏油 C.色泽、霉变、渗漏、澄明度 D.色泽、霉变、渗 漏、异物 [判断题]【判断题】循环倍率的定义:每生产一千克水蒸汽进入循环回路 的总水量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在GSM-R模式下,调度命令信息无线传送系统由( )设备组成。
A.GSM-RM B.CTC/TDCS C.CIR D.GRIS [单选题]在同一直线档中,每根导线上只允许有( )。
A.一个连接管三个补修管 B.两个连接管四个补修管 C.一个连接管两个补修管 D.两个连接管三个补修管 [单项选择]I can still remember my first day at school. I was only 6 years old at that time. It was a very big room. I sat at the desk near the window, but I couldn’t see anything outside because the window was too high. There was a big map of the world on the wall and an old blackboard. I don’t think I was worried or afraid at that time. There was another little boy next to me. He sat there and kept silent at first. Then he began to cry,because he didn’t want to stay there.
More and more students came in,but the boy didn’t stop crying. "Morn, I want to go home. " He cried again and again. Later,the teacher came in. She went to the little boy,and said something to him. I couldn’t hear what she said. Soon the boy stopped crying and began to smile. To this day, I still don’t know what the teacher said to the little boy. The writer knew what the teacher said to the little boy. [A] Right. [B] Wrong. [C] Doesn’t say. [简答题]论述掌握知识与发展智力的联系与区别。
[判断题]WCU-ATP机柜对ECC模块刷写完毕后,需要重启XR模块。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 关于电客车救援说法正确的是()
A.需得到行调命令 B.如故障列车在区间故障救援时,列车连挂好后故障列车需要在前方站清客 C.救援车需要操作拖动模式 D.推进救援限速20km/h [判断题]高处作业可以上下投掷工具和材料,所用材料应堆放平稳,必要时应设安全警戒区,并设专人监护。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]推力轴承主要承受( )。
A.轴向力作用 B.径向力作用 C.轴径向共同作用 D.剪力。 [单选题]1.25机动车驾驶证主页和副页上的签注内容应使用专用打字机打印;对于打印汉字库中没有的汉字,_____。
A.可留空 B.可用黑色墨水笔手工填写 C.可用蓝色墨水笔手工填写 D.可用红色墨水笔手工填写 [单选题]以下哪种疾病造成的心包积液量最大
A.结核性 B.化脓性 C.肿瘤性 D.心脏损伤后综合征 [单选题]融冰时,装设好导线与地线之间的连接线后,应(),并拉开地线接地刀闸。
A.不拆除导线接地线 B.拆除个人保安线 C.拆除腰绳 D.拆除导线接地线 [不定项选择题]‒年我国夏粮生产获得了较好收成。全国夏粮总产量达到12995万吨,比2011年增加356万吨,增长2.8%,超过1997年12768万吨的历史最高水平,比10年前增长31.6%。2012年,河北、山西、江苏、安徽、山东、河南、湖北、四川、陕西、甘肃、新疆这11个主产省(区)增产夏粮364万吨,其中安徽增产80万吨、山东增产75万吨、河北增产63万吨、河南增产55万吨,在非主产省(自治区、直辖市)中北京、辽宁、浙江、湖南、重庆、云南、宁夏有不同程度减产。
A.2012年,11个主产省(区)夏粮增产量超过了全国增产总量 B.2011年安徽夏粮产量为1221.5万吨 C.与上一年相比,夏粮增长量最多的年份是2008年 D.2012年夏粮产量比2008年大约增加了2.8% 我来回答: 提交