Every year more than half a million
American kids have drainage (排泄) tubes surgically implanted in their ears to
combat persistent infections. The procedure, known as tympanostomy, may not be
as{{U}} (62) {{/U}}as the tonsillectomy was in the 1940s, but it now{{U}}
(63) {{/U}}as the nation’s leading childhood{{U}} (64)
{{/U}}and a new study suggests it’s being vastly overused. In{{U}} (65)
{{/U}}more than 6,000 scheduled ear tube operations, a team of experts{{U}}
(66) {{/U}}by Harvard pediatrician Lawrence Kleinman found that fewer
than half were clearly justified. "Each year", the researchers write in the
current Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), "several hundred
thousand children in the United States may be{{U}} (67)
{{/U}}tympanostomy tubes that offer them no demonstrated{{U}} (68)
{{/U}}...and may place them a A. considers B. alternates C. ranges D. ranks [多选题]参与检修前()及()、()是省检修公司变电检修班的职责
A.现场勘察 B.检修方案 C.标准作业卡编制 D.施工方案 [名词解释]药物制剂
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》规定,对旅客、货主称呼恰当,统称为()
A.同志们 B.旅客们 C.各位旅客 D.旅客朋友 [单项选择]利凡诺羊膜腔内注射应用何物稀释()
A. 抽出的羊水或注射用水 B. 生理盐水 C. 葡萄糖盐水 D. 高渗葡萄糖溶液 E. 林格氏液 [多选题]CID文件中也有和ICD文件不同的特有信息,包含SCD文件中针对该装置的配置信息,配置信息包括()等。( )
A.MMS和GOOSE通信地址 B.IED名称 C.GOOSE输入 D.数据结构和类型 [单选题]粗齿锯条适用锯割软材料或横截面( )的材料。
A.较小 B.很小 C.很大 D.较大 [单项选择]从全社会角度看,占主导地位的消费方式是()
A. 个人消费 B. 家庭消费 C. 公共消费 D. 国家消费 [多选题]持ETC单卡的用户不可以( )
A.享有优惠 B.作为支付使用 C.作为通行介质 D.通行ETC车道 [单项选择]减少翼状胬肉复发的手段中,不包括()。
A. 结膜自体移植 B. 局部应用丝裂霉素C C. 单纯性胬肉切除 D. β射线照射 E. 局部应用5-氟尿嘧啶 [单项选择]下列属于半变动成本的是()
A. 可列支费用 B. 直接人工成本 C. 汽车保险费 D. 直接材料成本 我来回答: 提交