Morison and Philip were classmates. They lived in
the same town. After they left school, Morison became the manager(经理) of a
flower shop and Philip became a doctor in a hospital. Philip made a girlfriend. He bought a rod rose for her each day to show his love. The flowers made her very happy. Sometimes he took the rose to her himself. But when he was busy in the hospital, he asked Morison to give the rose to her instead of him. One afternoon, Philip came into the flower shop and said to Morison. "1’!1 go to another town to work today. I have no time to give the letter and the flowers to my girlfriend. Please give her the letter and twenty-four roses. " In the evening, when Morison was closing the door of the shop, Philip came. "Morison, how man [多项选择]关于行政权的论述正确的是( )。
A. 行政权是国家政权的组成部分 B. 行政职权是行政权的转化形式 C. 行政权来源于公民权利 D. 行政权必须依法行使 E. 行政法以行政权为调整对象 [单选题]4.208.第208题Q/GDW/ZY1021-2013《高压电能计量装置故障处理标准化作业指导书》规定:更换电流互感器前,应告知相关方故障原因,并抄录电能表当前各项读数,记录电流互感器(),请相关方认可
A.额定电压 B.变比 C.额定电流 D.精确度等级 [单选题]( )又叫货车不良率,是全路或一个铁路局不良货车数与支配货车数之比。
A.使用车数 B.检修车辆现有数 C.货车检修率 D.货车保有量 [单项选择]调整血清氨基酸比值,可治疗肝昏迷的药物是:( )
A. 谷氨酸钠(钾) B. 新鲜血浆 C. 六合氨基酸注射液或等量10%葡萄糖液稀释后静脉滴注 D. 西咪替丁 E. 新霉素 [单选题]低压电气设备电压等级为1000V以下。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]下列哪项不是霍乱、副霍乱病人的临床表现()
A. 发热腹痛 B. 腹泻呕吐 C. 眼球下陷 D. 肌肉痉挛 E. 血压下降 [多选题]641.几何公差的几何特征中,属于位置公差的有()。
A.同心度 B.圆度 C.对称度 D.同轴度 E.垂直度 [判断题]仪器房、地质房均应配3个大于2kg的二氧化碳灭火器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]硅钢片绝缘层损坏,会加大定子铁芯中哪些损耗()。
A. 涡流损耗 B. 机械损耗 C. 铜耗 D. 磁滞损耗 [单选题]装用真空集便装置的旅客列车因故改为单管供风或装用集便装置的客车编挂在单管供风列车中,进行列车制动机试验期间,客运乘务人员应将全列厕所( )。
A.打开 B.锁闭 C.不需处理 D.部分锁闭 [单项选择]用数控铣床铣削时的加工路线(路径)是指()。
A. 工艺过程 B. 加工程序 C. 刀具相对型面的运动轨迹和方向 D. 加工顺序 [单项选择]内径为63mm的油管在英制单位中为()油管。
A. 2in B. 1.5in C. 2.5in D. 3in [填空题]()是世界上唯一以犹太人为主体民族的国家,也是中东地区唯一一个自由民主制国家。
A. 脊髓损伤节段与椎骨受伤平面不一致 B. 胸椎较固定,所以胸椎的脱位多无脊髓损伤 C. 有的病例表现为明显脊髓损伤,但X线片却无骨折脱位 D. 屈曲型骨折脱位造成脊髓损伤最多见 E. 椎管狭窄患者,脊柱骨折创伤更易发生脊髓损伤 [单项选择]A scientist who wants to predict the way in which consumers will spend their money must study consumer behavior. He must (1) data both on the resources of consumers and on the motive that (2) encourage or discourage money spending.
If an economist were asked which of three groups borrow most—people with rising incomes, (3) incomes, or decreasing incomes—he would probably answer, those with (4) incomes. (5) the answer was: people with rising incomes. People with decreasing incomes were (6) and people with stable incomes borrowed the least. This shows us that traditional (7) about earning and spending are not always (8) A. increasing B. decreasing C. reducing D. rising [名词解释]中子吸收体(剂)neutronabsorber
A.按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存 B.按劳分配 C.按劳分配与按需分配相结合 D.按需分配 [填空题]发动机机油压力应不低于()Kg/CM2。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电流互感器和电压互感器的二次可以互相连接。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]施工企业安全生产的第一负责人是()。
A.企业的法定代表人 B.项目经理 C.专职安全员 D.监理工程师 我来回答: 提交