Directions: The following is a list of some special columns concerned with economy. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与……等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 1 through 5.
A--general expense
B--government debt
C--gross domestic product (GDP)
D--gross earnings
E--national debt
F--tax relief
G--gross national income
H--tax-free shop
I--value added
J--free of duty
K--foreign trade zone
L--tax payer
M--gross return
N--individual income tax
O--gross social product
P--gross output
British Columbia has greater variations
in climate than any other province in Canada. When warm winds from the west hit
the cold{{U}} (67) {{/U}}of the many mountain ranges, the result is
heavy rainfall. Inland plateaus, however, are largely{{U}} (68) {{/U}}On
the lower coast, the temperature is mild, with little{{U}} (69)
{{/U}}any snow. In the northern belt, temperatures range from 50° below zero
to 90° above zero. This area has more rain and snow. The forests of British
Columbia{{U}} (70) {{/U}}about one hundred million acres. The{{U}}
(71) {{/U}}of many mountain ranges are blanketed with{{U}} (72)
{{/U}}. Red cedar(雪松), and hemlock (铁杉) are found in large{{U}} (73)
{{/U}}. While lumber is the most important industry for British Columbia, its{{U}} (74) {{/U}}also supply large revenues, particularly in the southern areas. A. efforts B. effects C. affects D. offers [判断题]基金管理人的专业信息分析可能会发生信息不完整或者缺乏独立判断。()
[单项选择]一美国公民在我国境内已住满5年,2005年在中方企业担任职务,月薪8000元人民币,从境外派遣单位取得工资折合人民币26825元。该外籍人员的工资、薪金所得应缴纳个人所得税( )元。
A. 475 B. 6331.25 C. 4331.25 D. 4806.25 [单项选择]确定复选框是否选中,可访问的属性是( )。
A. Value B. Checked C. Selected D. Caption [多选题]作风务实是要言行一致、雷厉风行,真抓实干、开拓创新,是要( )端正,是要无形式主义、官僚主义和弄虚作假等问题。
A.作风 B.训风 C.演风 D.考风 [多选题]接触器切换回路方式的描述中不正确的是?
A.接触器切换回路以接触器为切换执行部件$ B.$接触器切换回路以ATS为切换执行部件$ C.$切换功能用接触器线圈、辅助触点组成二次回路完成控制功能$ D.$二次回路不具备控制功能 [单项选择]属寒证的临床表现是()
A. 恶寒喜暖,面色苍白,肢冷 B. 精神萎靡,神疲乏力 C. 发热恶寒,舌苔薄白,脉浮 D. 发热喜凉,口渴饮冷,面红目赤 E. 寒热往来,胸胁胀满 [多项选择]噎膈的主要病因是
A. 外感时邪 B. 酒食所伤 C. 忧思恼怒 D. 年老久病 [多选题]高技术战争的初期发展与基本形成阶段中,具有代表性的战争是
A.朝鲜战争 B.第四次中东战争 C.马岛战争 D.海湾战争 [单项选择]“每天”的外文缩写是()
A. q.n B. q.s C. q.d D. q.h [单项选择]()是企业薪酬制度设计的基本依据和前提。
A. 薪酬的市场调查 B. 岗位分析与评价 C. 绩效考评的实施 D. 岗位调查与分类 [判断题]电解槽穿丝前,需要先确认槽内塑料板是否弓起有擦伤丝束的可能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]为实现进度目标,应采取风险管理措施,减少进度失控的风险量,属于建设工程项目进度控制的()。
A. 经济 B. 管 C. 组织 D. 工程 [单选题]高血压靶器官损害的表现不包括
A.左心室肥厚 B.蛋白尿或/和血肌酐轻度升高 C.心肌梗死 D.视网膜动脉局灶或广泛狭窄 E.超声或X线证实有动脉粥样斑块 [单项选择]“冷性土”指的是()。
A. 沙土 B. 轻壤土 C. 中壤土 D. 黏土 [单选题]受限空间内高温高湿环境下应减少作业频次,缩减单次作业时间或()。
A.交叉作业 B.多人同时作业 C.轮换作业 D.在受限空间内休息后在作业 我来回答: 提交