There’s simple premise behind what Larry Myers does for a living: If you can smell it, you can find it.
Myers is the founder of Auburn University’s Institute for Biological Detection System, the main task of which is to chase the ultimate in detection devices--an artificial nose.
For now, the subject of their research is little more than a stack of gleaming chips tucked away in a laboratory drawer. But soon, such a tool could be hanging from the belts of police, arson (纵火) investigators and food-safety inspectors.
The technology that they are working on would suggest quite reasonably that, within three to five years, we’ ll have some workable sensors ready to use. Such devices might find wide use in places that attract terrorists. Police could detect drugs, bodies and bombs hidden in cars, while food inspectors could easily test food and water for contamination.
The implications for revolutionary advances in public safety and the
A. to develop microchips with thousands of odor receptors
B. to invent chips sensitive to various chemicals
C. to design a computer program to sort out smells
D. to find chemicals that can alter the electrical current passing through
{{B}}Egypt Felled by
Famine{{/B}} Even ancient Egypt’s mighty pyramid builders were powerless in the face of the famine that helped bring down their civilisation around 2180 BC. Now evidence gleaned from mud deposited by the River Nile suggests that a shift in climate thousands of kilometres to the south was ultimately to blame--and the same or worse could happen today. The ancient Egyptians depended on the Nile’s annual floods to irrigate their crops. But any change in climate that pushed the African monsoons southwards out of Ethiopia would have diminished these floods. Dwindling rains in the Ethiopian highlands would have meant fewer plants to stablise the soil. When rain did fall it would have washed large mounts of soil into the Blue Nile and into Egypt, along with sediment from the A. Because they once worked miracles. B. Because they were well-built. C. Because they were actually very weak. D. Because even they were unable to rescue their civilisation. [单项选择]( )是企业制度的基础,反映了企业的所有制性质。
A. 分配制度 B. 管理制度 C. 公文收发制度 D. 产权制度 [单选题] 主站应有互为备用的两路电源供电,额定电压:220V/380V,允许偏差( )
A.-20%~+20% B.10%~+20% C.15%~+20% D.20%~+15% [单选题]物体由前向后投影所得的图形,反映物体的长和高,通常反映物体的主要形状特征,是( )。
A.俯视图 B.左视图 C.主视图 [单项选择]函数f(x)=xlnx在(0,+∞)上是()。
A. 单调增函数 B. 单调减函数 C. 上凸函数 D. 下凸函数 [填空题]我国小学课程的设计必须做到高度的_ 和高度的_ 的统一。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试述特殊检修项目的施工组织措施。
[多选题]食品贮存应当( )( )( )( ),定期检查、及时处理变质或超过保质期限的食品。
A.分类 B.分架 C.隔墙 D.离地存放 [单选题]马克思主义哲学的直接理论来源是()。
A.德国古典哲学 B.十八世纪法国唯物主义哲学 C.十七世纪英国唯物主义哲学 D.古希腊朴素唯物主义 [多项选择]下列哪些行为可以视为破坏金融管理秩序罪()。
A. 出售或运输假币 B. 擅自设立金融机构 C. 非法吸收公众存款 D. 擅自设立名目发放奖金 [简答题]旋涡泵的构造如何?
[单项选择] 阅读下面的短文,文中有15处空白,每处空白给出了4个选项,请根据短文的内容从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案。