In the 1997 general-election campaign,
"Education, Education" was Tony Blair’s pet phrase. Time changes quickly.
Education is going rapidly out of fashion. "Learning" (to be exact, "lifelong
learning" ) is New Labour’s new buzzword (时髦语). The shift from "education" to
"learning" reflects more than a change of language. It stems from both
educational research and left-wing ideas. During the 1980s, British
educationalists got some new American ideas. One was the notion that traditional
examinations do not test the full range of people’s abilities. Another was the
belief that skills are not necessarily learned from teachers in a conventional
classroom. People can pick them up in all sorts of ways. All this echoed left-wing ideas that traditional teaching methods were not sufficiently adaptable to the needs of individual learners. A A. is but a change of language B. reflects the traditional ideas in education C. reflects the government’s wish to restrict choices D. is not just a change of language [判断题]调度电话业务、调度数据网业务、配电网自动化业务、线路保护的通信通道或安全自动装置的通信通道中断是八级设备事件。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]工作分析
A. 兴奋、手足麻木 B. 头晕、视力减退 C. 淡漠、反应迟缓 D. 呆滞、嗜睡 E. 口渴、谵妄 [单项选择]She looks very ______ with her work.
[判断题]《安全生产法》要求,生产、经营、储存、使用危险物品的车间、商店、仓库不得与员工宿舍在同一座建筑物内,并应当与员工宿舍保持50米的安全距离。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]通电导体周围磁场的强弱与()有关
A.导体长度 B.电流大小 C.导体位置 D.导体截面 [单项选择]金融机构应对自身金融业务及其营销渠道,特别是在推出新金融业务、釆用新营销渠道、运用新技术前,进行系统全面的洗钱风险评估,按照()原则建立相应的风险管理措施。
A. 风险可控 B. 风险平均 C. 效率优先 D. 合法合规 [单项选择]治淋证癃闭可用()
A. 牡蛎 B. 朱砂 C. 磁石 D. 龙骨 E. 琥珀 [判断题]《格拉段旅客列车运输加价》规定:硬卧每人/千米核收1.0元;软卧每人/千米核收1.6元;硬座核收0.1元
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]悬停状态下,旋翼形成
A.正锥体。 B.平面。 C.倒锥体。 [填空题]因材施教原则是指教师要从学生的实际情况出发,有的放矢地进行()的教学,使每个学生都能获得最佳发展。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]采用正确射水姿势,开、关水枪(分水器)动作要缓慢,避免水锤作用,严禁对射误伤他人。利用喷雾射流实施掩护时,通常与保护目标保持( )米的有效距离。
A.5-7 B.3-5 C.7-10 D.1-3 [单项选择]下列疾病引起的发热为回归热的是()
A. 大叶性肺炎 B. 疟疾 C. 结核病 D. 霍奇金病 E. 伤寒 我来回答: 提交