Almost every family buys at least one copy of a
newspaper every day. Some people subscribe(订阅) to as many as two or three
newspapers. But why do people read newspapers Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings-battles-lost and won, kings or rulers overthrown (推翻) or killed-took months and even years to travel from one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. Today we can read in our newspapers of important events that occur in far away countries on the same day they happen. Apart from supplying news from all over the world, newspapers give us a lot of other useful information. There are weather reports, radio, television and film guides, book reviews, stories and, of course, advertisements. The bigger ones are put in by A. Advertisements are the most important part in newspapers. B. It introduces newspapers past and today and its contents. C. There is a lot of useful information on newspapers. D. People like newspapers very much. [单项选择]下列各项-中,不影响企业当期损益的是( )。
A. 采用成本模式计量,期末投资性房地产的可收回金额低于账面价值 B. 自用的房地产转换为采用公允价值模式计量的投资性房地产时,转换日房地产的公允价值小于账面价值 C. 采用公允价值模式计量,期末投资性房地产的公允价值低于账面价值 D. 自用的房地产转换为采用公允价值模式计量的投资性房地产时,转换日房地产的公允价值大于账面价值 [单选题]第五问:黄先生需要干预的生活方式危险因素是( )。
A.体力活动 B.睡眠不足 C.精神压力大 D.血压和饮酒 E.膳食和吸烟 [单项选择]导游员热忱欢迎旅游者的直接表现是()
A. 优质服务,游客至上 B. 遵纪守法,敬业爱岗 C. 真诚公道,信誉第一 D. 钻研业务,提高技能 [多选题]中铁银通卡背面印有持卡人的( )。
A.有效身份证件号码 B.姓名 C.和照片 D.有效身份证件地址 [单选题]以下有关城市建设的表述,错误的是( )。
A.铺设透水性公路可以有效改善城市热岛效应 B.城市改造过程中对于有价值的老建筑应采用异地重建等方式加以保护 C.中国城市频频遭遇内涝,主要原因在于城市建设重地表轻地下 D.中小城市不适宜发展多组团的城市空间布局 [单项选择]
男性,26岁。糖尿病病程10年,胰岛素治疗。血糖未监测,时有低血糖症。近3个月眼睑及下肢浮肿,血糖300mg/L,尿蛋白排泄率1801μg/min,WBC0~3/HP,颗粒管型少许,血尿素氮、肌酐正常。 饮食中蛋白质含量应限制在( )A. 1.5~2.0g/kg·d B. 1.2~1.5g/kg·d C. 0.8~1.2g/kg·d D. 0.8g/kg·d E. 0.6g/kg·d [判断题]外网网站被恶意篡改,副值发现此类攻击事件后,立即向主值报告;主值应立即向网络安全分析监控中心汇报网络安全情报,同步开展网站修复,并排查信息系统是否存在安全漏洞。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《行规》第50条:不准一端推车,一端溜放。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对超过65岁(含)的客户进行风险承受能力评估时,应当充分考虑客户年龄、相关投资经验等因素。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交