One answer to the question of land
shortage was suggested by an organization some years ago. A city was to be built
at sea, housing 30,000 people. The suggestion was to shape the city like a harbor (港口). The outer wall of the harbor would stand on steel columns resting on the sea bed. Naturally this could only be where the water was fairly shallow. The people would like to live in flats in the fifty-metre high outer wall. The flats would be all face inwards, and would be made of concrete (混凝土) and glass. The glass would be specialy made and colored to control the heat and strong light from the sun. The planners called this man-made harbor would be calm. It would be floating islands carrying more building; a hospital, two theaters, museums, an art exhibition hall and a church. One of the islands would be a special factory to take t A. The city was to be designed together with a harbor. B. The walls around the city would be made of steel and glass. C. The building of the city would rest on a floating island. D. The people would live in tall building surrounded by a wall. [判断题]卵巢肿瘤并发症有蒂扭转、破裂、感染、恶变。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](B737ng)当拉出1号灭火手柄时,A系统EDP的________不工作,同时EDP供油管路上的关 断活门处于___位.
A.A. 低压电门 开 B.B. 低压电门 关 C.C. 释压活门 开 D.D. 释压活门 关 [单项选择]某市年度分析报告中写到:2010年全市完成各项税收收入30800万元,2008年完成12600万元。请问,该市2010年税收收入比2008年翻了()
A. 不到一番 B. 一番多 C. 二番多 D. 三番多 [填空题]在普速线上运行的普速旅客列车,一律在开车时间前( )____打响开车铃,铃声时( )____。停点二分钟及以下的车站,列车进站停稳即可响铃。(乌铁客电〔2017〕1151号关于重新公布车站停止检票和旅客列车开车响铃时间的通知)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. 子痈 B. 子痰 C. 阴茎痰核 D. 淋浊 E. 精癃 [单选题]旅客乘坐国际、地区航班时,液态物品应当盛放在单体容积不超过( )mL的容器内随身携带。
A.100 B.160 C.200 D.320 [单选题]心理学家提出了发展关键期或最佳期的概念,这说明了个体身心发展的()。
A.顺序性 B.阶段性 C.不平衡性 D.个别差异性 [多选题]电焊作业可能引起的疾病主要有( )。
A.皮肤病 B.电光性眼炎 C.电焊工尘肺 D.气管炎 [单选题]消防救援站在每一起有影响的灭火救援行动后,都应组织即时( )。
A.实警训练 B.集中战评 C.专项战评 D.作战安全讲评 [多选题]在交流电流作用下,由于()将使线芯电阻增大。
A.A、直流效应 B.B、集肤效应 C.C、场强效应 D.D、邻近效应 [单项选择]对客户挂失后记起账户密码或找到凭证的,柜员可做“TD76解挂”处理。收回客户挂失申请书回单联与银行留存联一并在处理结果栏()处打勾并交客户签字确认。
A. 申请人撤销挂失 B. 重置密码 C. 补发凭证 D. 其他 [单选题]股道号码信号夜间——白色灯光作圆形转动后,再上下摇动,为( )。[921000000]
A.五道 B.六道 C.七道 D.八道 [单项选择]下列不属于玻璃离子水门汀优点的项为()
A. 在口腔环境中无溶解 B. 可以释放氟化物 C. 与牙齿有化学黏结 D. 对牙髓刺激性小 E. 可用于乳牙修复 [单选题]焊瘤对静载强度无影响,但会引起应力集中,使( )强度降低。(难)
A.抗拉 B.动载 C.动静 D.疲劳 我来回答: 提交