Inflation is a period of rapid rises in
prices. When your money buys fewer goods so that you get (56)
for the same amount of money as before, inflation is the problem.
Sometimes people describe inflation as a time when "a dollar is not
(57) a dollar anymore". Inflation is a problem for all consumers, especially people who live on a fixed income. Retired people, for instance, cannot (58) on an increase in income as prices rise. They face serious problems in stretching their incomes to (59) their needs in time of inflation. Many retired people must cut their spending to (60) rising prices. In many cases they must stop (61) some necessary items, such as food and clothing. Even (62) working people whose incomes are going up, inflation can also be a problem. The (63) of living goes up A. it B. us C. one D. you [单项选择]用试灯检查接地,负灯触机壳灯亮,关WHK14后不亮了则为()。
A. 控制及辅助电机回路正端接地 B. 控制及辅助电机回路负端接地 C. 照明回路正端接地 [判断题]技术贸易所有方或供应方在一定条件下将技术贸易的标的物的使用权转让给接受方使用,但技术的所有权并没有转移给技术的接受方。
A.单纯雌激素补充治疗 B.雌孕激素序贯用药 C.雌孕激素连续联合用药 D.雄激素对抗治疗 E.适用于有完整子宫,仍希望有月经样出血的妇女 [判断题]半路堑式明洞施工时,应先施作外侧边墙,再施作拱圈,最后施作内侧边墙。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]动火执行人、监护人同时离开作业现场,间断时间超过()min,继续动火前,动火执行人、监护人应重新确认安全条件。
A.15 B.30 C.45 D.60 E.略 F.略 [简答题]实施以物抵债前,应做好哪些工作?
A. 脱盐水 B. 废酸 C. 漂洗水 D. 生活水 [单选题]以下不是汽车维修区域环境保护要求的是( )。
A.员工着装统一 B.工位干净整洁 C.废物分类存放 D.焊机安全可靠 [单项选择]若直线l不平行于平面α,且l∈α,则( ).
A. α内的所有直线与l异面 B. α内不存在与l平行的直线 C. α内存在唯一的直线与l平行 D. α内的直线与l都相交 [判断题]内冷水箱中含氢(体积含量)超过2%应加强对发电机的监视,超过20%应立即停机消缺。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在下列电工仪表中,不能交直流两用的是()仪表。
A. 磁电系 B. 电磁系 C. 电动系 D. 数字式 我来回答: 提交