首选的治疗是( ) In our society the razor of necessity
cuts close. You must make a buck to survive the day. You must work to.
make a buck. The job is often a chore, rarely a delight. No matter how demeaning
the task, no matter how it dulls the senses or breaks the spirit, one must work.
Lately there has been a questioning of this "work ethic", especially by the
young. Strangely enough, it has touched off profound grievances in others
hitherto silent and anonymous. Unexpected precincts are being heard from in a show of discontent by blue collar and white. On the evening bus the tense, pinched fa A. they have lost their grace B. they are tired by the long day’s work C. they don’t want to see the tense and pinched faces of their clerks and secretaries D. they are frightened by the profound grievances shown by the young people [单项选择]设置首选资金账户的作用是()
A. 在报价界面,该账户会默认显示,不需点击选择 B. 只有该账户是有效账户 C. 该账户是用来完成券款对付的 [判断题]开展高铁“静音车厢”服务的客运段要安排专人负责该车厢服务和劝阻工作,对违反相关要求的旅客,做好劝阻或制止。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]备自投装置满足充电条件时,延时充电,充电时间结束,备自投装置准备就绪;当备自投装置动作或任一闭锁满足,则延时放电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于蛋白亚基的正确叙述是()
A. 一条多肽链卷曲成螺旋结构 B. 两条以上多肽链卷曲成二级结构 C. 两条以上多肽链与辅基结合成蛋白质 D. 每个亚基都有各自的三级结构 E. 各个亚基之间都以共价键相连 [单选题]根据《汽车客运站营运客车出站检查工作规范》,关于出站检查工作人员的工作职责,下面说法错误的是( )。
A.应当对每一辆出站客车进行检查 B.应该检查车辆和乘客证件 C.应当对进出汽车客运站的人员、车辆严格执行“三不进站”和“六不出站”的检查要求 D.清点客车载客人数,确保客车不超载出站 [简答题]《论毅力》指出文中运用层递手法的地方?
A. 进气 B. 压缩 C. 燃烧膨胀 D. 排气 [单选题]按照我国民法,下面关于相邻关系的说法正确的是()。
A.相邻关系是一种独立权利 B.从属于不动产 C.从属于动产 D.从属于地役权 [单选题]( )隔离开关拉开、合上无阻抗的环路电流;
A.允许使用 B.禁止使用 C.当环路电流大于额定电流时,禁止使用 D.经领导同意可用 [判断题]wg-21a型无绝缘轨道电路在机车入口端柜规面,用0.15Ω标准分路电阻分路时,短路电流应符合在载频为2300hz时,不小于600mA
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交