Fliers may want to have their tickets in hand before
catching their planes, but the airline companies are doing everything they can
to bring forward cost-saving ticketless flight —no paper needed, just a ticket
number and a photo ID. Anyone who buys a Northwest E-ticket through the airline’s computer service by June 16 will get an award. Next time you fly, you can buy another ticket for a friend for $ 99,good anywhere in the US or Canada through February, along with the lowest ticket prices.Some airlines offer extra frequent-flier miles for the ticketless crowd. And there are rising punishments for paper lovers. American, Northwest, United, and US Airways have raised the cost for lost-ticket replacement to $ 70 from either $ 60 or A. attract travelers to take ticketless flights B. punish those who insist on using paper tickets C. do better than other airline companies D. pay for the work to deal with lost tickets [多选题]本单位所在楼层的消防器材有( )
A.A干粉灭火器 B.B消防栓 C.C二氧化碳灭火器 D.D消防车 [多选题]特种设备作业人员考试程序包括()考试成绩评定与通知。多选题
A.考试报名 B.申请材料审查 C.考试 [多选题]电流互感器的误差与二次回路的阻抗有关,并伴随着阻抗值的变化而变化,其特性是)。1.0分)
A. 阻抗值增大,误差增大 B. 阻抗值增大,误差减小 C. 阻抗值减小,误差增大 D. 阻抗值减小,误差减小 [判断题]对机车车辆和邻近线路的建筑物、行车设备所规定的不允许超越的轮廓尺寸线,称为限界。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者女,34岁。因风湿性关节炎引起关节疼痛,在服用阿司匹林时,护士嘱其饭后服用的目的是( )
A.减少对消化道的刺激 B.提高药物的疗效 C.降低药物的毒性 D.减少对肝脏的损害 E.避免尿少析出结晶 [单选题]最可能的诊断是( )
A.先兆流产 B.过期流产 C.不全流产 D.难免流产 E.习惯流产 (726~730题共用题干) 初产妇,28岁。足月好娠临产,4小时前阴道检查宫口开4cm,现肛查宫口仍开4cm,检查:宫缩7-8分钟一次,持续时间30秒。胎膜未破余无异常。 [单选题]35kV及以上业扩工程,应成立( ),制定启动方案并按规定执行。
A.启动委员会 B.指挥部 C.工作组 D.项目部 [单项选择]For an upright vessel,draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the().
A. waterline B. freeboard deck C. plimsoll mark D. amidships section [单选题]我国《气瓶安全技术监察规程》规定:“盛装剧毒的气体的气瓶,禁止装设安全泄压装置。”判定毒性程度是有毒或剧毒,应查阅GB16163-1996《瓶装压缩气体分类》,判定毒性程度是有毒或剧毒,应查阅GB16163-1996《瓶装压缩气体分类》,其中氯属于( )气体。
A.有毒 B.无毒 C.剧毒 [不定项选择题]A.原发性T细胞免疫缺陷
A.原发性B细胞免疫缺陷 B.联合免疫缺陷 C.补体免疫缺陷 D.吞噬细胞免疫缺陷 E.慢性肉芽肿属于 我来回答: 提交