Every ten years there is a national
census to count the number of people. The Census Office asks every household to
answer questions on a census form. The census counts people by the kind of
housing they live in, the country in which they were born, and the kind of job
they do and how they travel to work. Census results are used by a great many
people and are available to everyone in many ways. For example, in order to work
out present and future needs we must know how people are housed now, and the
sizes and ages of their families. For hospitals, schools and other local
services, the size of annual grants made by the Government to these services
depends largely on the numbers and needs of people in the area. Many of the figures come from the census. In order to work out future spending for pensions, we need to know peopl A. the number of people who work in the area B. the number of buses in the area C. the strength of workers in the area D. the use of power in the area [判断题]发生洪涝灾害,需要水上救援时,水上突击队必须由干部带领,实施救助行动必须穿救生衣。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )下穿框构顶进挖土作业时,严禁超挖,工作面坡度符合规定,过车时严禁开挖,工作面下严禁站人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一个分段存储管理系统中,地址长度为32位,其中段号占8位,则最大段长是______。
A. 28字节 B. 216字节 C. 224字节 D. 232字节 [单项选择]男性,48岁,胃溃疡病史10年,近2个月上腹痛加重,用多种药物治疗无效。查体,浅表淋巴结无肿大,腹平软,上腹部压痛,可扪及肿块,应首选下列哪项检查()。
A. 便潜血试验 B. 血清胃泌素测定 C. B超 D. 胃镜检查 E. 上消化道造影 [单项选择]除血管内给药的其他给药途径F
B. 生物半衰期(tl/2) C. 生物利用度 D. 表现分布容积(V) E. 血药浓度 [单项选择]金融机构应根据反洗钱风险评估需要,确定各类信息的来源及其采集方法,下列属于信息来源渠道的是()。
A. 金融机构客户经理或柜面人员工作记录 B. 反洗钱交易监测记录 C. 涉及客户的风险提示 D. 权威媒体报道信息 [单选题]由有经验的专家依靠自己的知识、经验和分析判断能力,对企业的人力资源需求进行直觉判断和预测,这是人力资源需求预测方法中的()。
A.管理人员判断法 B.德尔菲法 C.转换比率分析法 D.人员核查法 [不定项选择题]A.胸骨左缘第二、三肋间收缩期杂音
A.胸骨左缘第二肋间连续性杂音 B.X线示肺血减少,心脏呈靴形 C.X线示肺血增多,右房右室大 D.胸骨左缘第三、四肋间收缩期杂音4/6级,X线示心脏大小正常 E.法洛四联症 [多选题]清分收缴假币应按照下列程序办理
A.A、2名以上工作人员予以收缴 B.B、假币装入统一格式的专用袋加封封口处加盖“假币”印章 C.C、填制《假币收缴凭证》 我来回答: 提交