Ever since humans have lived on the
earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this
expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech. When
there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through sign language
in which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists and the people
unable to hear or speak have had to resort to this form of expression.
Many of these symbols of whole words are very vivid and exact and can be
used internationally; spelling, however, cannot. Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A wink can be a way of indicating that the party is only joking. A nod signifies approval, while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction. Other forms of nonlinguistic language c A. Picture signs. B. Braille. C. Body language. D. Signal flags. [单项选择]A year has______ and there is no sign of situation getting any better.
A. emerged B. enclosed C. elapsed D. expended [单项选择]在人体中,含量大于一定水平的元素,称为常量元素。这里的“一定水平”是指()。
A. 0.001% B. 1% C. 0.02% D. 0.1% E. 0.01% [单项选择]下列疾患,不能由腹部平片诊断的是()
A. 胆囊阳性结石 B. 肠梗阻 C. 慢性胰腺炎 D. 消化道穿孔 E. 小儿先天性肛门闭锁 [判断题]无论高压配电线路、设备是否带电,巡视人员不得单独移开或越过遮栏;若有必要移开遮栏时,应工区领导同意,并保持表3-1规定的安全距离。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]2.83 车辆管理所民警和文职、聘用人员办理机动车驾驶证业务时,应当使用本人的用户名、密码或者数字身份证书登录计算机管理系统,并定期更换密码;但经过业务领导同意的除外。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 进入毒区作业时不能摘下空气呼吸器的( ),警报器发出响声时,要马上离开毒区。
A.空气瓶 B.减压器 C.压力表 D.面罩 [多选题] 各级指挥员在灭火作战指挥中要实现科学施救,必须增强()意识。
A. 增强科学的进攻、及时的转移或撤退的指挥意识 B. 增强优化作战成果的效益意识 C. 增强科学决策的防范风险意识 D. 增强主动防护的安全意识 [单项选择]正常人枸橼酸盐中毒剂量是()。
A. 5g左右 B. 10g左右 C. 15g左右 D. 20g左右 E. 25g左右 [判断题]在R≤300m的曲线上铺设轨排时,必须采取安全措施,防止叠层轨排偏移倾倒。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]公司有用户反映在使用网络传输文件时,速度非常低,管理员在网络中使用Wireshark 软件抓包发现了一些重复的帧,下面关于可能的原因或解决方案描述错误的是
A.交换机在MAC地址表中查不到数据帧的目的MAC地址时,会泛洪该数据帧 B.公司网络的交换设备必须进行升级改造 C.网络在二层存在环路 D.网络中没有配置 VLAN 我来回答: 提交