Ironically, in the United States, a
country of immigrants, prejudice and discrimination continue to be serious
problems. There was often (1) between each established
group of (2) and each succeeding group. As each group became
(3) financially successful, and more powerful, they
(4) newcomers from full participation in the society.
Prejudice and discrimination are (5) U.S. history,
(6) , this prejudicial treatment of different groups is
(7) more unjust than with black Americans. Blacks had distinct (8) . For the most part, they came to the "land of opportunity" as slaves and were not free to keep their (9) and cultural traditions. (10) most European immigrants, blacks did not have the protection of a support group; sometimes slave owners separated members of (11) A. excluded B. eliminated C. included D. eluded [多选题]党在新时代的强军目标是建设一支( )的人民军队,把人民军队建设成为世界一流军队。
A.A.听党指挥 B.B.能打胜仗 C.C.作风优良 D.D.有勇有谋 [单项选择]左、右45°斜位片,椎弓及其附件投影似"狗"形,峡部裂时似狗颈戴项链,下关节突为()
A. 狗嘴 B. 狗耳 C. 狗眼 D. 狗体 E. 狗前足 [单项选择]The author believes that the Asian economy will_______.
A. make little exporters gain less and cost more B. attract more technology firms to do business C. push much more shares to a higher level D. have an attractive prospect for the investors [单选题]下列关于癌前病变的描述中,错误的是( )。
A.指持续发展具有癌变可能的某些病变 B.癌前病变大多数会演变成癌 C.黏膜白斑、慢性萎缩性胃炎、结直肠多发性腺瘤性息肉等均属于癌前病变 D.癌前病变属于良性病变 [单选题]施工单位应当按照规定对危大工程进行施工监测和安全巡视,发现危及人身安全的紧急情况,应当立即向上级报告。()
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]两带轮在使用过程中,发现轮上的三角带张紧程度( ),这是轴颈弯曲原因造成的。
A.A、太紧 B.B、太松 C.C、不等 [单选题]《关于进一步做好建筑业工伤保险工作的意见》规定,建设单位要在工程概算中将工伤保险费用单独列支,作为不可竞争费,不参与竞标,并在项目开工前由施工总承包单位( )代缴本项目工伤保险费,覆盖项目使用的所有职工,包括专业承包单位、劳务分包单位使用的农民工。
A.一次性 B.按进度 C.按计划 D.分批次 我来回答: 提交