There is a great concern in Europe and
North America about declining standards of literacy in schools. In Britain, the
fact that 30 percent of 16 year olds have a reading age of 14 or less has helped
to prompt massive educational changes. The development of literacy has
far-reaching effects on general intellectual development and thus anything that
impedes the development of literacy is a serious matter for us all. So the hunt
is on for the cause of the decline in literacy. The search so far has forced on
socioeconomic factors, or the effectiveness of" traditional" versus" modern"
teaching techniques. The fruitless search for the cause of the increase in
illiteracy is a tragic example of the saying" They can’t see the wood for the
trees". When teachers use picture books, they ate simply continuing a
long-est A. pictures in books should be less detailed B. pictures can slow down reading progress C. picture books are best used with younger readers D. pictures make modem books too expensive [单选题]105.冠心病急性心肌梗死部位一般都在
A.左心房 B.右心房 C.室间隔 D.右心室 E.左心室 [名词解释]端帮
[单选题]RS485采用( )工作方式。
A. 半双工 B. 全双工 C. 单工 D. 自动 [名词解释]磁通计
A.行政机关发现公民有依法应当给予行政处罚的行为的,必要时可以依法进行检查 B.行政机关在调查或者进行检查时,应当着公务制服 C.行政机关在收集证据时,在证据可能灭失或以后难以取得的情况下,可以先行登记保存,并在9日内作出处理决定 D.执法人员与当事人有直接利害关系的,可以回避 [单项选择]属于静态连结点的是()
A. 合同缔结地 B. 国籍 C. 惯常居所 D. 法人的管理中心地 [多选题]合同法定解除可以分为( )几种类型。
A.不可抗力解除 B.违约解除 C.其他解除 D.协议解除 E.约定解除 [单项选择]膝部肿大而股胫消瘦,形如鹤膝属于()
A. 痰火久结,气血凝滞 B. 肝郁气结,脾虚痰凝 C. 寒湿久留,气血亏虚 D. 风湿郁久化热 E. 风热痰火壅滞 [单项选择] The train clattered over points and passed through a station.
Then it began suddenly to slow down, presumably in obedience to a signal. For some minutes it crawled a-long, then stopped; presently it began to move forward again. Another up-train passed them, though with less vehemence than the first one. The train gathered speed again. At that moment another train, also on a downline, swerved inwards towards them, for a moment with almost alarming effect. For a time the two trains ran parallel, now one gaining a little, now the other. Mrs. McGillicuddy looked from her window through the windows of the parallel carriages. Most of the blinds were down, but occasionally the occupants of the carriages were visible. The other train was not very full and there were many empty carriages.
At the moment when the two trains gave the illusion of being stationary, a blind in one of the carriages flew up with a snap. Mrs. McGillicuddy looked into the lighted first-class carriage that w
A. she was very much afraid. B. there was no point of doing so. C. she was too shocked to move. D. the ticket collector came in. 我来回答: 提交