The often criticized child of the industrial age, advertising has grown as society has become more industrialized and, therefore, more commercialized. No modem industry or company can survive without advertising; it is the vital link between the producer and the customer. If advertising were abolished(废止), as many people have suggested it should be, the public and the companies that advertise would suffer a considerable loss.
Most people think of television as an inexpensive source of entertainment. Television’s primary purpose, however; is not to provide an entertainment service except in the case of government owned networks. It exists in order to promote products for companies. If the television industry did not receive income from advertising, watching television would be at least as expensive as going to the movies.
Like television, many magazines and newspapers exist primarily to sell products. In some cases, the stories, pictures, and editoria
A. People think highly of advertising.
B. People criticize advertising.
C. Some people welcome advertising while others don't.
D. There are more criticisms of advertising than praises.
It is wise to remember that you do not have to buy anything from any salesperson. You ought to buy only those things you really need or want and can(1). Try not to let your personal feelings about the salesperson(2) you to make a purchase. Remember that you are entitled to ask a salesperson any question you wish (3) the product or service, and you are entitled to get a clear, complete(4). You call tell the salesperson you want to think about the matter, for a few days, (5) that you want to talk to other people who have purchased the product or service. You can walk(6) from a salesperson without a polite end to the conversation. If a salesperson telephones you, you do not have to listen to the person’s entire "lecture" or respond to it in a friendly way. You can simply interrupt the person and stat A. so B. now C. or D. but [单项选择]直埋光缆与树木平行隔距不小于()米。
A. 0.3米 B. 0.5米 C. 0.75米 D. 1米 [判断题]27.由调车人员负责扳动道岔时,无线调车灯显设备正常,还是以手信号方式进行要道还道。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有机磷农药中毒,在神经骨骼肌接头处,主要影响的
是 A.腺苷酸环化酶 B.ATP酶 C.胆碱脂酶 D.单胺氧化酶 E.Na+ -K+ 依赖式 ATP酶 [判断题]工作票签发人必须掌握、核对现场情况。工作票签发人不得兼任该项工作的工作负责人,可以作为工作班人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 选用免维护蓄电池根据自己的需要,计算出需要的电池容量与( )。
A.体积 B.价格 C.数量 D.性能 [多选题]经过对某项目进行检查,发现存在下列情形,其中违反了《建设工程安全生产管理条例》的是( )。
A.施工单位没有专职安全管理人员 B.特种作业人员没有持证上岗 C.施工前没有进行安全技术交底 D.由于没有采取措施,施工时破坏了地下管线 E.已经半年没有对特种作业人员进行安全生产教育培训 [多选题]省联社党委“123456”总体工作思路要求根据客户群体需求的差异化,依托不同的营销方式和策略,对接( )和( )客户群体。
A.农区 B.社区 C.家庭 D.城区 [简答题]系统断仪表风、仪表电的现象和原因?
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