Experienced baseball fielders can tell
how far a ball is going to travel just by listening to the crack of the bat. If
they didn’t, they wouldn’t stand a chance of catching it, claims a physicist in
New York. "When a baseball is hit straight at an outfielder, he cannot quickly judge the angle of the scent and the distance the ball will travel," says Robert Adair, a physicist at Yale University. If he relied purely upon visual information, the fielder would have to wait for about one-and-a-half seconds before he could tell accurately if the pitcher hit the ball long or short. By this time the ball may have travelled too far for him to reach it in time. To stand a fighting chance of catching it, according to Adair, fielders must listen to the sound the ball hitting the bat to judge how far it will travel. There is anecdotal A. Hitting the ball to produce different sounds is not an easy matter. B. The sound of the bat may give fielders more chances to catch the ball. C. Aluminum bats are inferior to the wooden ones. D. The study of Robert Adair shocks the Acoustical Society of America. [多项选择]药厂生产操作区内( )
A. 不得存放非生产物品 B. 不得带入个人杂物 C. 不得裸手操作 D. 废弃物应及时处理 E. 操作人员不得化妆和佩戴装饰物 [判断题]客服岗到岗后应第一时间在BOM上对领用单程票进行分析,确保当日领用票卡无空白应急票。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]CTC主要有哪些功能?
A.最前 B.最后 C.中间 D.右端 [填空题]DKZ5中每个转向架上共四台套制动单元。制动单元及带停放制动的制动单元各两台套,()安装。
A. 神经外科手术 B. 给予碳酸氢钠 C. 给予10%葡萄糖 D. 给予胰岛素、碳酸氢钠及氯化钾 E. 不做处理而行截肢术 [单项选择]
A. designs B. tools C. devices D. facilities [单选题]项目实施周期内,年度预算执行结束时,除连续( )未用完的预算资金外,已批复的预算资金尚未列支的部分,作为结转资金管理,结转下年按原用途继续使用。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [单选题]发生一般事故由所在地( )任总指挥,相关部门和单位责任人成为成员,成立现场应急救援指挥部。(职工)(应急处置-西铁办(2015)118,附件2,2.1.3)
A.车务站段长 B.供电段长 C.工务段长 D.电务段长 [多项选择]按现行会计制度及有关规定,下列收入项目中属于施工企业其他业务收入的有( )。
A. 产品销售收入 B. 施工承包合同收入 C. 劳务销售收入 D. 机械销售收入 [单选题]下列选项中属于科学信念的是 ( )
A. 金钱是伟大的,人是渺小的 B. 人生充满苦难和罪恶,尘世很难有幸福,幸福只能在天国 C. 社会主义必然代替资本主义,全世界最终必然实现共产主义 D. 个人本身就是目的,具有最高价值,社会只是个人达到目的的一种手段 [判断题]热情周到,指的是铁路运输服务的质量高低及所要达到的效果。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 功率因数表不仅能测量出负载电路的功率因数值,而且能表明负载是感性负载还是容性负 载。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交