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The Silo Paulo city health service has
launched a 42mn-real (US $14.6mn) {{U}} (19) {{/U}} system to integrate
the city’s 756 health sector {{U}} (20) {{/U}}, including 65 hospitals
and 356 clinics, health {{U}} (21) {{/U}} coordinator Antonio Carlos Leda
told BNamericas. "We think the {{U}} (22) {{/U}} is small, given the size of the city, and will quickly provide {{U}} (23) {{/U}}. That doesn’t even take into account the improvement in {{U}} (24) {{/U}} of quality of service," Leda said. The investment includes approximately 12mn reais in software and network {{U}} (25) {{/U}}, along with 30mn reais in computers. The software, based o A. A.hospitals B.clinics C.sources D.providers [单项选择]经营财产保险业务的保险公司当年自留保险费,不得超过其实有资本金加公积金总和的( )。
A. 3倍 B. 2倍 C. 4倍 D. 1倍 [单选题]排进路过程中,道岔转换时,如有车辆驶入道岔区段,因道岔控制电路( )的极性接点能保持不动,所以道岔能继续转换到底。323020201
A.1DQJ B.1DQJ保持吸起和2DQJ C.2DQJ D.1DCJ和2DCJ [单选题]在孔内上下递送工具物品时,(),应采取措施防止物件落入孔内。
A.不得抛掷 B.可以抛掷 C.上下口号一直 D.采用吊绳 [单选题]指挥列车或车辆向显示人方向来的信号的昼间显示方式为:()
A.展开的绿色信号旗上、下摇动 B.左手拢起红色信号旗直立平举,右手展开的绿色信号旗在下方左右小摆动 C.展开的绿色信号旗在下方左右摇动 D.左手拢起红色信号旗直立平举,右手展开的绿色信号旗在下方上、下小动 [单项选择]{{B}}Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}}
A. They couldn’t get enough income to keep them running. B. Young people couldn’t afford to pay the tuition fees. C. Keeping them running at the same level would cost much more. D. Social services need more state funds because of the recession. [多项选择]项目总监理工程师的基本职责包括( )。
A. 参加合同谈判,协助业主签订合同 B. 审核并确认分包单位 C. 及时发现并处理各种工程质量问题 D. 审核并签署开工令,复工令,付款证书等 E. 提供并收集有关的索赔资料 [多选题]天然地基岩层层面产状要素包括()
A.走向 B.褶皱 C.断裂 D.倾向 E.倾角 [单选题]信号机绿色外观,绿色F标记表示()
A.对非CBTC列车开启红灯保持 B.对所有类型列车开启红灯保持 C.信号机开启正向连续通过模式 D.信号机开启反向连续通过模式 [判断题] 《民用建筑电气设计规范》JGJ16-2008 10.7.4重要的照明负荷,宜在负荷末级配电盘采用自动切换电源的方式供电,负荷较大时,可采用由两个专用回路各带50%的照明灯具的配电方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]法律规定属于国家所有的财产,属于( )所有。
A.群众 B.国家 C. 集体 D. 国有企业 [判断题]有权提起诉讼的法人或者其他组织终止,承受其权利的法人或者其他组织可以提起诉
讼() 关系的公民、法人或者其他组织,有权提起诉讼。 有权提起诉讼的公民死亡,其近亲属可以提起诉讼。 有权提起诉讼的法人或者其他组织终止,承受其权利的法人或者其他组织可以提起诉讼。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不属于乳腺脓肿超声表现的是( )
A.肿块边界欠清晰,局部增厚 B.肿块内呈不均质无回声 C.边界不光滑 D.周边可呈蟹足样改变 E.肿块后方回声增强 [单选题]全安生产责任制的核心是实现安全生产的“五同时”,就是在( ).
A.安排、布置、检查、总结、评比生产工作的时候,同时安排、布置、检查、总结、评比安全工作 B.计划、布置、检查、总结、评比生产工作的时候,同时计划、布置、检查、总结、评比安全工作 C.计划、布置、检查、总结、评比生产工作的时候,同时计划、布置、检查、总结、评比卫生环境工作 D.计划、布置、检查、总结、评比生产工作效益的时候,同时计划、布置、检查、总结、评比安全工作 [判断题]甲企业是某市的重点排污单位,为降低生产成本,采用制作病毒破坏计算机程序的方式篡改排污监测数据,违规排放二氧化硫等污染物。甲企业构成破坏计算机信息系统罪和污染环境罪,应当数罪并罚。 (1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]作业通道,栏杆在梁的活动端处均应( ),不得影响梁的伸缩。
A. 栓接 B. 焊接 C. 留出空档 D. 断开 [判断题]打辊转速低,造碎率低,但同时打叶效率也低,反之亦然。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]We may conclude from reading the passage that the government probably should ______.
A. take some legal actions to stop water pollution B. include the control of non-point pollution in its water pollution control program C. continue and emphasize the national water pollution control program D. warn people to pay more attention to water pollution [填空题]
Proofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET TWO as instructed.The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way. The producers of instant coffee found their product strongly
resisted in the market places in spite of their products’ manifest advantages.
However, the advertising expenditure for instant coffee was far greater than
which for regular coffee. Efforts were made to find the cause of the consumers’
seemingly reasonable resistance to the product. The reason given by most people
were dislike of the taste. The producers suspected that there might be deeper
reasons, however. This confirmed by one of motivation research’s classic
studies, one often cited in the trade. Mason Haire of the University of
California, constructed two shopping lists that
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