Present-day philosophers usually
envision their discipline as an endeavor that has been, since antiquity,
distinct from and superior to any particular intellectual discipline, such as
theology or science. Such philosophical concerns as the mind-body problem or,
more generally, the nature of human knowledge, they believe, are basic human
questions whose tentative philosophical solutions have served as the necessary
foundations on which all other intellectual speculation has rested. The basis for this view, however, lies in a serious misinterpretation of the past, a projection of modern concerns onto past events. The idea of an autonomous discipline called "philosophy", distinct from and sitting in judgement on such pursuits as theology and science turns out, on close examination, to be of quite recent origin. When, in the A. has implications primarily for philosophers B. may be affected by recent advances in science C. has little relevance to present-day philosophy D. has Served as a basis for intellectual speculation since antiquity [多选题]防蜂服具有( )性能。
A.防蜂蜇 B.防蚊虫叮咬 C.防割 D.防穿刺 E.防水 [多项选择]影响照相侦察卫星侦察效果的因素有:()。
A. 天气情况 B. 卫星高度 C. 地球纬度 D. 轨道倾角 [单选题]保管业务公章的业务主管或网点主任(行长),不得同时保管( )。
A.银行承兑汇票 B.存款存折 C.个人存款证明 D.存款存单 [单项选择]行政行为以受法律规范拘束的程度为标准,可以分为两类,即()。
A. 羁束行政行为与自由裁量行政行为 B. 依职权的行政行为与依申请的行政行为 C. 要式行政行为与非要式行政行为 D. 授权的行政行为与委托的行政行为 [单选题]公务用车实行集中管理()用于探亲休假旅游等非公务活动
A.A、可以 B.B、应该 C.C、不得 D.D、允许 [判断题]点火系由蓄电池、点火开关、点火线圈、容电器、分电器和火花塞等组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]隐患整改责任单位应当T隐患整改效果组织验收。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不属于预约通行服务优势的有( )
A.可避免符合减免政策的车辆通行高速公路“先扣费、再退费” B.减少查验次数 C.取消收费站入口查验,避免引发交通拥堵 D.减少路面检查,节约车辆在途时间 [单选题]目前在因特网上提供的主要应用功能有电子邮件,WWW浏览,远程登录和()。
A.文件传输 B.协议转换 C.光盘检索 D.电子图书馆 [填空题]转向架最前位与最后位车轴中心线间的水平距离称为( )。
A. 嘌呤 B. 黄嘌呤 C. 咪唑 D. 嘧啶 E. 鸟嘌呤 [判断题]《空调列车服务质量规范》除一站直达、特快列车外,卧车及时为上车旅客更换卧铺牌。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]带电作业工作票,对(____)且依次进行的带电作业,可在数条线路上共用一张工作票。
A.同一电压等级 B.同类型 C.相同安全措施 D.同一工作项目 我来回答: 提交