The horse and carriage is a thing of the past, but love and marriage are still with us and still closely interrelated. Most American marriages, particularly first marriages (21) young couples, are the result of (22) attraction and affection (23) than practical considerations.
In the United States parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teenagers begin (24) in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social (25) . Though
young people feel (26) to choose their friends from (27) groups, most choose a mate of similar background. This is (28) in part to parental guidance. Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually (29) choices by (30) disapproval of someone they consider unsuitable.
(31) marriages between members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and interracial marriages) are increasing, probably because of t
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. for
The idea of rainmaking is almost as old
as man, but it was not until 1946 that man succeeded in making rain. In ancient
times, rainmakers had claimed a bring rain by many methods: dancing, singing,
killing various kinds of living creatures, and blowing a stream of water into
the air from a kind of pipe. More recently, some rainmakers claimed to make rain by shooting guns, causing explosions, or burning chemicals, the smoke of which was supposed to cause rain to fall. These rainmakers asked for as much as 1,000 dollars to make an inch of rain. One of them was so successful that he was almost hanged. He was believed to have caused a 20-inch rain in southern California that flooded the land, killed several people, and did millions of dollars of damage. Before 1946, rainmakers were either liars or honest people who happened to have good luc A. a liar B. an honest man C. a scientist D. a chemist [单项选择]一经病证未罢,又见它经病证的发病类型是
A. 感邪即发 B. 徐发 C. 继发 D. 合病 E. 并病 [多选题]个人存款有权机关查冻扣应坚持()。
A.依照有关法律合法协助的原则 B.按照人民银行等部门的规定规范化协助的原则 C.参照银行内部规章制度及时协助的原则 D.不损害客户合法权益的原则 [判断题]各分行应指定专人,负责柜台业务应急事件的联络和具体协调组织工作。分行人员未经应急工作领导小组或应急工作办公室的授权,不得擅自向公众发布应急事项的信息。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 二次回路接线时,应先接运行设备侧,后接扩建设备侧。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]账套主管负责整个系统的总体控制和维护工作,可以管理该系统中所有的账套。( )
[单选题] "在水力机械设备和水工建筑物上,需要运行值班人员在运行方式、操作调整上采取保障人身、设备运行安全措施的工作,必须填用( )。
A.水力机械工作票 B.二次措施票 C.操作票 D.动火工作票" [单选题]腹部最易损伤的空腔脏器是:( )
A.结 肠 B.胃 C.小 肠 D.直 肠 E.十二指肠 [单项选择]某患者,十二指肠球部溃疡病史8年,近4个月来食后饱胀,呕吐隔宿食,明显消瘦。查体:腹平坦,可见胃型蠕动波,振水音阳性,肠鸣音无亢进,诊断可能为().
A. 胃癌 B. 胃黏膜脱垂 C. 幽门梗阻 D. 十二指肠压迫综合征 E. 胃泌素瘤 [单选题]某综合楼工程由A企业总承包,其中消防工程由B企业分包。B企业于自检合格后,于2006年5月1日向A企业申请竣工验收,消防分部丁程经2006年5月5日由当地公安消防机构进行了验收,A企业于5月8日向建设单位提出竣工验收申请,建设单位于5月15日组织了竣工验收,验收合格,工程交付使用。则该消防工程的保修期始于( )。
A.2006年5月1日 B.2006年5月5日 C.2006年5月8日 D.2006年5月15日 [判断题]通过对材料调质处理可得较好的综合性能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]合同中价款约定不明确,又不能达成补充协议的,应按照( )的市场价格履行。
A. 订立合同时履行地 B. 订立合同时订立地 C. 履行合同时履行地 D. 履行合同时订立地 [判断题] 合规风险是指公司及其员工的经营管理行为符合有关法律法规、监管规定、行业准则和公司章程、规章制度以及国际条约、规则等要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]生产类停送电信息是指公变台区及以上设备计划停电、 临时停电、 故障停电等影响客户持续用电的停限电信息, 包括( )
A. 计划停电、 B. 临时停电、 C. 电网故障停限电、 D.超电网供电能力停限电等 [单选题]0.8生活学是台湾地区、日本流行的一种生活哲学。0.8生活学的真谛是:生活需要冲,更需要缓冲。尽80%的力气就好了,剩下20%的力气权当回旋的余地和养精蓄锐的本钱。根据上述定义,下列符合0.8生活学的是:( )
A.不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵 B.没有最好,只有更好 C.三天打鱼,两天晒网 D.人活八分饱,花开九分艳 我来回答: 提交