Teachers need to be aware of the
emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And
they also need to give serious (21) to how they can be
best (22) such changes. Growing bodies need movement and
(23) , but not just in ways that emphasize competition.
(24) they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of
new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially
self-conscious and need the (25) that comes from achieving
success and knowing that their accomplishments are (26) by
others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much
com petition that it would be (27) to plan activities in
which there are more winners than losers, (28) , publishing
newsletters with many student-written book reviews, (29)
student artw A. assistance B. guidance C. confidence D. tolerance [单选题]关于I型肺泡细胞,正确的是
A.数量少 B.呈立方形 C.构成气体交换的广阔面积 D.分泌磷脂类物质 [判断题]‐29066 电源电压波动范围在不超过±20%的情况下,电动机可长期运行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不合格物品的返修、退货以及周转使用的包装容器从需方返回到供方所形成的物品实体流动是()。
A. 废弃物物流 B. 绿色物流 C. 回收物流 D. 应急物流 [单项选择]
After the American Civil War (1860-1865), the Negroes had gained their freedom and were ready 22 a new type of music, 23 that would preserve their musical traditions but be fast and happy 24 their 25 freedom. They wanted something they could play as professional musicians for both black and white audiences. Jazz was the answer. It combined themes from Negro work songs, spirituals and blues, set to a fast beat, 26 the musicians improvising (即兴而作) as they went along, like the funeral marching bands. To be good, a musician had not only to remember his part but also 27 able to invent new variations on the spur (激励) of the moment. A. for B. in C. to D. on [单选题]ALL 320-232,最小滑油压力是 多少?
A.60psi B.40psi C.随滑油温度变化 [单项选择]男性患者,20岁。两天前因吹风着凉后突发左眼流泪,口角歪斜。检查发现左侧额纹消失,左眼闭合不能,左鼻唇沟较浅,口角歪向右侧,四肢运动正常()。
A. 卡马西平 B. 强的松 C. 丙戊酸钠 D. B族维生素 E. 心得安 [单项选择]下列气压日较差最大的海域是()。
A. 渤海 B. 黄海 C. 东海 D. 南海 [单选题]用钳压法接续LJ的导线适用范围为()。
A.LJ-16~70 mm2 B.LJ-16~95 mm2 C.LJ-16~120 mm2 D.LJ-16~185 mm2 [填空题]
A. 设计的资源 B. 评价的资源 C. 利用的资源 D. 教学的资源 [单项选择]What does the passage mainly discuss
A. ( The effects of human activities on prehistoric wildlife B. ( The origins of the hunter-gatherer way of life C. ( The diets of large animals of the Pleistocene epoch D. ( The change in climate at the end of the Pleistocene epoch [多选题]以下哪些是非财务分析的内容:( )。
A.行业风险分析 B.经营风险分析 C.管理风险分析 D.现金流量分析 [判断题]企业持有的现金总额可以小于各种动机所需现金余额之和,且各种动机所需保持的现金也不必均为货币形态。()
[判断题]一旦发现漏气,要先关闭开关,打开窗门,马上报修。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]省级人民政府批准的道路和管线工程建设项目占用土地,涉及农用地转为建设用地的,由( )批准。
A. 省级人民政府 B. 国务院 C. 全国人大常委会 D. 省级人民代表大会 [判断题]任何单位发生火灾,必须立即组织力量扑救。邻近单位应当给予支援。消防队接到火警,必须立即赶赴火灾现场,救助遇险人员,排除险情,扑灭火灾。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]配电箱.开关箱的电源进线端必须采用插头和插座做活动连接。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Which of the following is least accurate about exchange traded funds (ETF)()
A. Diversification can be obtained easily with a single ETF transaction. B. ETFs have a cost advantage over traditional mutual funds. C. ETFs trade once a day at closing market prices. [判断题]根据《配电安规》,带电断、接低压导线应有人监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]Revit中支持线型图案的设置,那么下面哪种不是在Revit环境中创建的?()
A.点 B.稀疏划线 C.网格线 D.波文线 [填空题]自轨面起高度在____之间,任何部位超限者为中部超限
[判断题]甲签发一张金额为1万元的本票交收款人乙,乙背书转让给丙,丙将本票金额改为7万元后转让给丁,丁又背书转让给戊。如果戊向甲请求付款,甲只应支付1万元,戊所受损失6万元应向丁和丙请求赔偿。( )
[多选题]以下( )汽车库、修车库宜设置泡沫喷淋灭火系统。
A.Ⅰ类地上汽车库 B.Ⅰ类地下汽车库 C.Ⅰ类修车库 D.Ⅱ类机械式立体汽车库 [单项选择]在下列不同溶剂中,测定羧酸的红外光谱时,C=O伸缩振动频率出现最高者为()。
A. 气体 B. 正构烷烃 C. 乙醚 D. 乙醇 [单项选择]确定第一类精神药品的定点批发企业布局的部门是
A. 国家药品监督管理部门 B. 国家卫生行政管理部门 C. 省级药品监督管理部门 D. 省级卫生行政管理部门 E. 当地卫生行政管理部门 [单选题]1978年11月10日至12月15日党中央在北京召开工作会议,()率先提出系统地解决历史遗留问题的意见,引起大多数与会者的强烈反响,从而改变了会议议程。
A.陈云 B.邓小平 C.李先念 D.叶剑英 [简答题]煤气管道的补偿器是为了防止管道膨胀。
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