Task 2
Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.
Some people think that the time to begin studying a foreign language is in childhood, and that the younger you are, the easier it is to learn another language. There is little evidence, however, that children in language classrooms learn foreign languages any better than adults (people over age 15 ) in similar classroom situations. In fact, adults have many advantages over children: better memories, more efficient ways of organizing information, longer attention spans, better study habits, and greater ability to handle complex mental tasks. Adults are often better motivated than children: they see learning a foreign language as necessary for education or career. In addition, adults are particularly A. being better motivated B. better study habits C. more time to learn the language D. organizing information more efficiently [单选题]标准椭圆形封头的长半轴与短半轴比例是( )
A.1/4 B.4 C.1/2 D.2 [单项选择]纸:订书机:订书针
A. 数据:电脑:网络 B. 印花税:税务局:税务官 C. 野兽:猎枪:子弹 D. 麦子:收割机:轮胎 [单选题]提高线损指标的途径有( )。
A.优化台区供电半径 B.及时更换故障表计 C.提高采集成功率 D.以上都是 [单选题]手提式、推车式干粉灭火器出厂满( )年,首次维修后每满( )年需进行一次维修。
A.5年/2年 B.3年/1年 C.5年/1年 [判断题]调车表示器向调车区方向显示一个白色灯光,准许机车车辆自调车区向牵出线运行。()J451
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]1摩尔葡萄糖在有氧和无氧条件下代谢净生成的ATP数目之比足
A. 2:1 B. 9:1 C. 12:1 D. 18:1 E. 36:1 [单选题]具有外周性镇咳作用的药物是
A.右美沙芬 B.苯佐那酯 C.乙酰半胱氨酸 D.喷托维林 E.可待因 [单项选择]关于溃疡性睑缘炎的治疗,不正确的是
A. 避免一切刺激因素 B. 用肥皂水或2%碳酸氢钠溶液清洗后除去痂皮 C. 涂以抗生素或磺胺眼膏至病情好转 D. 矫正屈光不正 E. 加强营养 [单选题]绝对真理和相对真理的关系是( )
A.两种不同性质的真理 B.两种各自独立的真理 C.真理的两个不同阶段 D.客观真理的两种不同属性 [判断题]如果曲线方向很差,应先粗拨一次,经列车滚压后,再量取现场正矢。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]两根平行导线通过同向电流时,导体之间相互( )。
A.排斥 B.产生磁场 C.产生涡流 D.吸引 [名词解释]知识税
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