Once the 12 Girls Band became popular,
similar groups predictably starting popping up. Musicat and Beautiful Youth 18
were formed last year. Both feature now-familiar formulas of attractive young
women playing different instruments in songs that combine modem music with
classic Chinese tunes. Yet they add to the mix by throwing in song, dance and
even acrobatics. In an interview, noted music critic Jin Zhaojun said the girl
band phenomenon was not new to China, as similar acts appeared in the
1980s. However, the undying role is that to be successful, bands have to have a novel look. "The 12 Girls Band was the first group to give big live shows and show creativity in how they present their performances. The Beijing Red Poppy Ladies Percussion group, formed in 1999, has made a name for itsel A. 1980s B. 1970s C. 1960s D. 1990s [单项选择]根据《企业破产法》的规定,破产程序终结后,债权人发现破产人有应当供分配的其他财产,可以请求人民法院按照破产财产分配方案进行追加分配的法定期间是( )。
A. 破产程序终结后半年内 B. 破产程序终结后一年内 C. 破产程序终结后二年内 D. 破产程序终结后三年内 [简答题]客运系统安全问题管理实施办法中,安全问题的定义是什么?包括哪些因素?
A.时间和范围 B.时间和人员 C.人员和范围 D.时间、范围和人员 E.略 F.略 [判断题]铝合金平顶大小次龙骨的安装顺序,均应先中间,再向两边依次进行。( )
A. CY B. CFS C. CIF D. Door [单选题]沈从文讽刺知识分子的代表作是( )
A.《有学问的人》 B.《若墨医生》 C.《烟斗》 D.《八骏图》 [判断题]分散自律控制车站,司机不再与车站值班员执行问路指路的车机联控。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于共产主义理想,下列说法对的有( )
A. 共产主义渺茫论 B. 在社会主义历史阶段不应树立共产主义理想 C. 共产主义是能够实现的理想 D. 共产主义理想的实现是一个漫长的历史过程 [判断题]绝缘接头作用肥边及轨端肥边机械打磨时,无需电务专业配合,选择适宜轨温拆开接头进行打磨作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]能行气消痞,健脾和胃的方剂是()
A. 枳术丸 B. 健脾丸 C. 保和丸 D. 枳实导滞丸 E. 枳实消痞丸 我来回答: 提交