Such joy, It was the spring of 1985, and President
Reagan had just given Mother Teresa the Medal of Freedom in a Rose Garden
ceremony. As she left, she walked down the corridor between the Oval Office and
the West Wing drive, and there she was, turning my way. What a sight: a saint in
a sari coming down the White House hall. As she came nearer, I could not help
it: I bowed. "Mother", I said, "I just want to touch your hand." She looked up
at me -- it may have been one of Gods subtle jokes that his exalted child spent
her life looking up to everyone else -- and said only two words. Later I would
realize that they were the message of her mission. "Luff Gott," she s A. Tough. B. Definite. C. Ethereal. D. Like a steam-roller. [单项选择]可治疗重症肌无力的药物是()
A. 乙琥胺 B. 新斯的明 C. 左旋多巴 D. 前列环素 E. 尼可刹米 [单项选择]监察部行使的监督是( )。
A. 专门监督 B. 主管监督 C. 职能监督 D. 法制监督 [判断题]企业存款人基本存款账户编号代替原基本存款账户核准号使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]列宁指出:“世界不会满足人,人决心以自己的行动来改变世界。”这种观点属于()。
A.将意识与物质相割裂的二元论 B.认为意识具有第一性的唯心主义 C.承认意识能动作用的辩证唯物主义 D.认为环境决定人的机械唯物主义 [单项选择]______布局管理器是AWT中最灵活,同时又是最复杂的一种布局管理器。
A. GridBagLayout B. GridLayout C. BorderLayout D. FlowLayout [单项选择]社会营养监测的指标不包括
A. Engel指数 B. 新生儿死亡率 C. 慢性疾病发生率 D. 能量平均摄入水平 E. 能量来源比例 [单选题]甲醇合成塔触媒管漏切除汽包副产蒸汽的目的是( )。
A.蒸汽压力高 B.蒸汽压力低 C.防止合成气窜入蒸汽系统 D.防止锅炉水进入合成塔床层 [简答题]企业成长的动因是什么?
Drug use is rising dramatically among the nation’s youth after a decade of decline. From 1993 to 1994, marijuana use among young people (1) from 12 to 17 jumped 50 percent. One in five high school seniors (2) marijuana daily. Monitoring the Future, which (3) student drug use annually, reports that negative attitudes about drugs have declined for the fourth year in a row. (4) young people see great risk in using drugs. Mood-altering pharmaceutical drugs are (5) new popularity among young people. Ritalin, (6) as a diet pill in the 1970s and now used to (7) hyperactive children, has become a (8) drug on college campuses. A central nervous system (9) , Ritalin can cause strokes, hypertension, and seizures. Rohypnol, produced in Europe as a (10) tranquilizer, lowers inhibitions and suppresses short-term memory, which has led to some women being raped by men they are going out with. (11) [单项选择]办案人员调查取证时,()着工商行政管理制服,并出示《中华人民共和国工商行政管理行政执法证》。
A. 可以 B. 应当 C. 一般可以 D. 一般应当 [单项选择]幼儿急疹的病原体是()。
A. 腺病毒 B. 埃可病毒 C. 轮状病毒 D. 柯萨奇病毒 E. 人类疱疹病毒6型 [单选题]电子现金的特点是:( )
A. 适合大额消费 B. 每笔交易必须通过银行,因此比较安全 C. 交易时可以直接将资金从一个持卡人账户转移到另一个账户 D. 必须通过智能卡完成交易 [单项选择]1934680 76204 3845712
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [填空题]在工作场所设置移动式的乙炔发生器时,应遵守下列规定:①储存电石的数量不超过()kg;②在一台设备装置上连接的焊枪,不准超过()。
[单选题]自行式起重机的种类不包括( )。
A.履带式起重机 B.汽车式起重机 C.轮胎式起重机 D.支架式起重机 [单项选择]某公司发行优先股股票,票面额按正常市价计算为300万元,筹资费费率为5%,股息年利率为14%,则资金成本率为()。
A. 14.74% B. 13.33% C. 19.26% D. 21.27% [判断题]公安机关决定退还犯罪嫌疑人的保证金后,应当在解除对犯罪嫌疑人取保候审的同时,通知指定的银行将保证金如数退还给犯罪嫌疑人。()
A.妇科疾病 B.宫内妊娠 C.异位妊娠 D.生殖道感染 E.生殖道创伤 我来回答: 提交