Probably the hardest part of setting
goals is the first step of actually deciding to take action! The first barrier
facing most people is the incorrect assumption that goals are only for business
people. The reality is everyone sets goals mentally throughout the day. There
are always occasions where something has to be done at a particular time or in a
particular place. Simple examples could be getting up at a certain time in order
to be at work, or to meet with a friend for a leisure activity. The beauty of having goals is the uniqueness of each one to the goal setter. Whether it is personal, financial, business or spiritual, they are all specific to that person and their circumstances. The most important part initially is to write them down. Having goals written down gives you incredible power while helping you to focus o A. believe in what he is doing B. adapt oneself to new changes C. divert from routine sometimes D. concentrate on it until it is attained [单项选择]下列各项中,在任何情况下均不得办理现金支取的帐户是()。
A. 基本存款帐户 B. 一般存款帐户 C. 临时存款帐户 D. 专用存款帐户 [单选题] ()在夜间或遇降雾、暴风雨雪时,仅限于消除线路故障或执行特殊任务时使用,但应按列车办理,此时轻型车辆必须有照明及停车信号装置
A.轨道车 B.轻型车辆 C.小车 D.单机 [多项选择]下列符合批复写作要领的有()
A. 针对性要强 B. 严格掌握行文对象 C. 灵活运用结构形式 D. 坚持一文一事 E. 有申请就有批复 [单选题]线路保养质量评定标准钢轨项目中每处胶接绝缘接头质量不符合要求或轨端肥边大于2mm扣( )。
A.2分 B.4分 C.20分 D.41分 [单选题]把交流电转换为直流电的过程叫( )。
A.变压 B.稳压 C.整流 D.滤波 [简答题]何谓五点重合法?空腹式拱桥采用悬链线作拱轴线的控制条件是什么?
[判断题]电动机定、转铁心中的硅钢片含硅量高时,可以改善其电磁性能,所以含硅量越高越好。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交