How we look and how we appear to others
probably worries us more when we are in our teens or early twenties than at any
other time in our life. Few of us are content to accept ourselves as we are, and
few are brave enough to ignore the trends of fashion. Most fashion magazines or TV advertisements try to persuade us that we should dress in a certain way or behave in a certain manner. If we do, they tell us, we will be able to meet new people with confidence and deal with every situation confidently and without embarrassment. Changing fashion, of course, does not apply just to dress. A barber today does not cut a boy’s hair in the same way as he used to, and girls do not make up in the same way as their mothers and grandmothers did. The advertisers show us the latest fashionable Styles and we are constantly under pres A. Care about appearance in formal situations. B. Fashion in formal and informal situations. C. Ignoring appearance in informal situations. D. Ignoring appearance in all situations. [单项选择]小王子在()的帮助下,最后娶了公主?
A. 魔鬼 B. 巫婆 C. 铁汉斯 [简答题]作业人员接触职业病()的,应按照国家规定开展职业病防治工作。
[多选题]夜间能见度低或在浓烟中行动时,按照前( )的要求小心行进,避开电梯井或回型楼梯等危险区域,防止踏空或重心不稳导致坠落伤害。
A.前虚后实 B.前实后虚 C.稳步前进 D.探步前进 [单项选择]在工艺流程图上,主要一般管道用()画.
A. 中实线 B. 粗实线 C. 点画线 D. 粗虚线 [判断题]农村信用社贷款减免对借款人单笔贷款原则上只适用一次,对于单户借款人一年内不得重复减免。担保人和其他还款义务人还款的除外。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]会议催办的方式主要有()
A. 发文催办 B. 领导催办 C. 派员催办 D. 电话催办 [多选题]下列关于临边防护栏杆的规定,( )是正确的。
A.防护栏杆应由上、下两道横杆及栏杆柱组成 B.上杆离地高度为1.5~1.8m C.下杆离地高度为0.4~0.6m D.上杆离地高度为1.0~1.2m、 E.下杆离地高度为0.6~0.8m [填空题]南宋度宗当政时期,()因为拥立有功而一人独揽朝政。
A.心理素质 B.业务素质 C.应对危机素质 D.创新素质 [多选题]小接地电流中,中性点经消弧线圈接地有以下哪种补偿方式( )。
A.欠补偿 B.全补偿 C.无补偿 D.过补偿 [单项选择]三级召回应在()
A. 12小时 B. 24小时 C. 48小时 D. 72小时 [单选题]被称为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”的著作是( )。
A.《诗经》 B.《史记》 C.《左传》 D.《资治通鉴》 [名词解释]跳脱
A. 报告 B. 决定 C. 总结 D. 请示 [单选题]在电气化铁路线路上作业,起道作业,一股钢轨起道时,一次作业起道量不得超过( ),起道量超出上述规定时,应事先通知供电部门调查确认接触网设备调整工作量并配合作业。
A.3mm B.5mm C.7mm D.9mm [判断题]已承兑的银行承兑汇票丧失,失票人到承兑银行挂失时,应当提交三联挂失止付通知书。
[判断题]2.80 申请抵押登记的,应当由机动车所有人和抵押权人共同申请。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Text 4 Learning science helps children to develop ways of understanding the world around them. For this they have to build up concepts which help them link their experiences together; they must learn ways of gaining and organizing information and of applying and testing ideas. This contributes not only to children’s ability to make better sense of things around them, but prepares them to deal more effectively with wider decision-making and problem-solving in their lives. Science is as basic a part of education as numeracy and literacy; it daily becomes more important as the complexity of technology increases and touches every part of our lives. Learning science can bring a double benefit because science is both a method and a set of ideas; both a process and a product. The process of science provide a way of finding out information, testing ideas and seeking explanations. The products of science are ideas which can be applied in helping to understand new experiences. [单选题]公路安全护栏碰撞能量的最高值为( )。
A.450kJ B.760kJ C.590kJ D.660kJ 我来回答: 提交