Rupert Murdoch once described them as the "rivers of gold"—the lucrative classified advertising revenues that flowed into big newspaper groups, But the golden rivers are being diverted online as the Internet breaks the grip that local and regional newspapers once held over their advertising markets.
Typically, a local newspaper would expect to get some 80% of its revenue from advertising, of which around two-thirds would come from classifieds. But last year in the San Francisco Bay area, job ads worth some $ 60 million were lost from newspapers to the web, reckons Classified Intelligence, a consultancy. Emap, a British publisher, recently gave warning of a 30% decline in recruitment ads in one of its titles, Nursing Times, following the launch of a free web site for jobs in Britain’s National Health Service.
The Internet has become the fastest-growing advertising medium. Online ad revenues reached $ 5.8 billion in the first six months of this
A. has a prototype service
B. has similar ads service like Google
C. is featured by its auction listings
D. offers a searchable database of free listings
Children have been said to have
brain-injured child syndrome, hyperactive (极度活跃的) child syndrome and
attention-deficit disorder (ADD). As early as the 1940’s, psychiatrists have
{{U}} (67) {{/U}} children with hyperactivity and extremely
distracted and impulsive (冲动的). These frequent name changes show how
{{U}} (68) {{/U}} researchers, are about the causes {{U}} (69)
{{/U}} the problem and the diagnostic criteria for the disorders. In the
past several years, the people who {{U}} (70) {{/U}} attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have {{U}} (71) {{/U}} to clarify the
disorder’s causes and {{U}} (72) {{/U}} , and have reasons to believe
that it may be genetic. Today’s view {{U}} (73) {{/U}} this disorder is
very different from the beliefs of just a few years ago. Researchers are finding
that ADHD is not a disorder of just attention A. skeptical B. practical C. careless D. uncertain [多项选择]国家用来进行宏观调控的经济手段主要是通过经济政策来实现,这些政策有()
A. 财政政策 B. 货币政策 C. 产业政策 D. 收入分配政策 [判断题]在地质灾害现场救援时,要设置观察哨,不靠近远离山体的道路一侧行进。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]DCS系统的冗余措施主要表现在( )
A.主控冗余 B.电源系统冗余 C.网络通信系统冗余 D.I/O设备冗余 [单选题]规模较大的分部(分项)工程和专项工程的施工方案应按()施工组织设计进行编制 和审批。
A.单项工程 B.单位工程 C.分部工程 D.分项工程 [单项选择]经国家药品监督管理部门批准的特定企业使用的商品名称为( )
A. 药品注册管理 B. 药品内包装 C. 药品外包装 D. 药品通用名称 E. 药品商品名称 [单选题]客运记录应有( )编号,加盖编制人名章。
A.顺序 B.规定 C.特定 D.持续 [多选题]根据《配电安规》,( )的二次绕组应有一点且仅有一点永久性的、可靠的保护接地。工作中,禁止将回路的永久接地点断开。
A.电流互感器 B.电压互感器 C.继电保护装置 D.配电自动化装置 [单项选择]现行的《建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范》GB50303-2002要求对低压0.4kV及以下线路的绝缘测定包含绝缘电阻测定和()
A. 耐压试验 B. 耐高温实验 C. 燃烧实验 D. 通电实验 [单选题]检查肛管直肠的最常用体位是
A.左侧卧位 B.右侧卧位 C.胸膝位 D.蹲位 E.截石位 [单项选择]与肿瘤的硬度无关的是()。
A. 瘤细胞与间质的比例 B. 肿瘤的种类 C. 变性、坏死 D. 含血量的多少 E. 钙化 [单选题]工 作 票 的 编 号 规 则 由 公 司 统 一 规 定 , 由 拟 票 人 填 写 , 格 式 为 “GGFF-LLL-YYYYMMNNN”,其中“GG”为( )[1分]
A.企业名称; B.风场简写; C.工作票类型; D.工作票序号。 [判断题]微库仑分析用的滴定池,一般希望使用较小的池体积,较低的滴定剂浓度。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]除股份有限公司以外的其他类型的企业,在企业创立时,投资者认缴的出资额与注册资本一致,一般不会产生资本溢价。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]长期以来,()认真履行法律职责,不断拓展职能,在承担灭火任务的同时,积极参加了包括危险化学品泄漏、道路交通事故、地震及其次生灾害、建筑坍塌、重大安全生产事故、空难、爆炸及恐怖事件和水旱、气象、地质灾害,以及森林、草原火灾,重大环境污染,核与辐射事故和突发公共卫生事件等大量应急救援工作。( )
A.公安消防部队 B.公安海警部队 C.公安边防部队 D.武警黄金部队 [单选题]当客户来办理业务时,柜员应遵守( )原则。
A.先内后外 B.先外后内 C.内外同时 D.随机应变 [判断题]吊装区域非操作人员严禁入内,把杆下方不准站人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]直肠黏膜活组织检查可用于诊断
A.日本血吸虫病 B.疟疾 C.利什曼病 D.锥虫病 E.丝虫病 [单选题]下列( )不属于签约过程违规操作的情形。
A.对借款人基本信息重视程度不够 B.对有权签约人主体资格审查不严 C.担保方式的约定不明确 D.抵押手续不完善或抵押物不合格 [单项选择]空气数据系统提供下列哪些参数()
A. 空速、高度、地速 B. 高度、马赫数、地速、全温 C. 空速、高度、高度速率 D. 空速、高度、高度速率、马赫数、全温 我来回答: 提交