These days we hear a lot of nonsense
about the "great classless society". The idea that the twentieth century is the
age of the common man has become one of the great cliches of our time. The same
old arguments are put forward in evidence. Here are some of them: monarchy as a
system of government has been completely discredited. The monarchies that
survive have been deprived of all political power. Inherited wealth has been
savagely reduced by taxation and, in time, the great fortunes will disappear
altogether. In a number of countries the victory has been complete. The people
rule; the great millennium has become a political reality. But has it Close
examination doesn’t bear out the claim. It is a fallacy to suppose that all men are equal and that society will be leveled out if you provide everybody with the same educational op A. money decides everything B. private schools offer advantages over state schools C. people are free to choose the way of educating their children D. wealth is used for political ends [单选题] 浓油剂输送泵输送的浓油剂直接来自( )。
A.浓油剂配制罐 B.浓油剂加热槽 C.油剂回收罐 D.浓油剂贮槽 [单选题]总配电箱和开关箱中漏电保护器的极数和线数必须与其负荷侧负荷的( )一致。
A.相数和项数 B.线数和线数 C.线数和极数 D.相数和线数 [单项选择]最高额土地抵押是为( )发生的债权提供担保。
A. 将来 B. 现在 C. 过去 D. 过去和现在 [多项选择]就某些因素而言,它们虽未在财务报表资料中反映出来,但也会影响企业的短期偿债能力。这些因素包括( )。
A. 可运用的银行贷款指标 B. 偿债能力的声誉 C. 担保责任引起的负债 D. 准备很快变现的长期资产 [单选题]进口设备的原价是指进口设备的( )。
A.到岸价 B.抵岸价 C.离岸价 D.运费在内价 [单选题]调节毛细血管内外水平衡的主要因素是
A.血浆晶体渗透压 B.血浆胶体渗透压 C.组织液胶体渗透压 D.组织液晶体渗透压 E.血浆渗透压 [多选题]混凝土搅拌机作业中不得( )。
A.加料 B.检修 C.调整 D.加油 E.加水 [判断题]脱泡塔液位通过变频控制脱泡塔泵(P-1205)泵速来控制。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进行 220kV 地电位带电作业时,人身与带电体间的安全距离为( ) m。
A.1.8 B.1.0 C.0.7 D.0.6 [判断题]根据《铁路交通事故调查处理规则》,“擅自开车”系指司机未得到车站发车人员的发车信号而开车。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]已知接触网某定位点接触线高度为6000mm,拉出值为400mm,外轨超高为60mm,则该定位点接触线的位置是接触线的投影位置,在线路中心至外轨间,距离线路中心150mm处。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]For most kinds of activities, a large group of people can accomplish more and have more fun than one person alone. For example, politicians, businessmen, workers, and 【B1】 criminals know that they must join organizations in order to be 【B2】 . Since there is usually strength in numbers, labor unions have a more 【B3】 influence on wages and company policy than individual workers 【B4】 . A person may also belong to social clubs and athletic teams 【B5】 he or she can meet other people who are interested in the same activities. 【B6】 you have a hobby, such as playing chess, collecting coins or stamps, or playing a musical instrument, you should join a club which has 【B7】 meetings to talk about your activity; the other 【B8】 will help you learn more about it. Of course, a group must be well 【B9】 . or it might be a failure. All the members should work together on projects and choose good leaders to 【B10】 their activities. In this way, the organization will benefit everyone in it.
A. A.Whether B.When C.If D.Although [多选题]殉爆距离与( )密切相关。
A.主爆药 B.受爆药 C.惰性介质 [单选题]车站管理地域范围:车站内部及出入口( )米范围内,合建部分按管理协议划定。
A.、3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [单选题]《铁路交通事故调查处理规则》中规定:( )是事故赔偿、事故处理以及事故责任追究的依据。
A.《铁路交通事故调查报告》 B.《铁路交通事故处理报告表》 C.《铁路交通事故基本情况表》 D.《铁路交通事故认定书》 [单项选择]大多数毒物是经哪个器官排出( )
A. 肝脏 B. 肺脏 C. 胃肠 D. 肾脏 E. 胆囊 [多选题](三)株洲海光服装公司是一家有进出口经营权的服装公司,该公司与香港某公司签订为期3年的来料加工协议.在协议中注明由港方不作价提供工业缝纫机(属机电产品进口许可证管理、法定检验)20台作为加工生产专用.在首期加工合同中订明由我方为港方来料加工2 000套纯棉男式外套(属加工贸易限制类商品),由港商提供纯棉面料以及加工辅料.合同签订后,该服装公司到海关办理了备案手续.根据上述案例,回答下列问题.
外商提供的纯棉面料进口时,海关准予保税的额度可以是( ).
A.全额保税 B.95%保税,5%征税 C.85%保税,15%征税 D.不予保税 [单选题]通信与位置服务模块是基站智能动环监控单元(FSU)的中的标配模块,对塔身的那些信息进行监控,并提供监控信息。
A.地理位置 B.塔身状态 C.塔身环境 D.以上皆是 我来回答: 提交