Painting, the execution of forms and
shapes on a surface by means of pigment, has been continuously practiced by
humans for some 20,000 years. Together with other activities {{U}} (62)
{{/U}} ritualistic in origin but have come to be designated as artistic(
such as music or dance), painting was one of the earliest ways in which man
{{U}} (63) {{/U}} to express his own personality and bis {{U}} (64)
{{/U}} understanding of an existence beyond the material world.
{{U}} (65) {{/U}}music and dance, however, examples of early forms of
painting have survived to the present day. The modern eye can derive aesthetic
as well as antiquarian satisfaction {{U}} (66) {{/U}} the
15,000-year-old-cave murals of Lascaux-- some examples {{U}} (67) {{/U}}
to the considerable powers of draftsmanship of these early artists. And
painting, unlike other arts, exhi A. distributed B. attributed C. contributed D. construed [单项选择]
M: I tried to call you last night. But there wasn’t any answer. A. She was too tired to answer it. B. She worked late at the office. C. The phone was out of order. [多选题]下列哪些是调度命令的要素()。
A.日期、时间 B.命令号码、受令处所 C.命令内容、受令人 D.朗诵人、确认人 E.复诵人、发令人 [单项选择]我国坚持“引进来”与“走出去”相结合,全面提高对外开放水平,其根本目的是()
A. 参与国际经济技术合作与竞争 B. 充分利用国际、国内两个市场 C. 促进我国经济较快发展 D. 参与区域经济交流和合作 [单选题]持线路或电缆工作票进入变电站或发电厂升压站进行架空线路、电缆等工作,应(),由变电站或发电厂工作许可人许可,并留存。
A.重新办理工作票 B.增填工作票份数 C.向调控值班人员汇报 D.办理进站相关手续 [多选题]‖年4月22日9时13分,江苏省靖江市新港园区德桥化工储有限公司发生爆炸火灾事故。9时26分,接警后,江苏省总队先后调集13个支队()194辆消防车,922名官兵,以及6个企业专职队15辆消防车、90名专职消防员赶赴现场处置。公安部消防局调集上海消防总队和南京士官指挥学校40辆消防车、300余名官兵跨区域增援。在扑救过程中,靖江中队驾驶员下士朱某某牺牲。下面属于危化品储运企业火灾特点的是()。
A.化学品种类多,危险性大。库区.罐区.罐组.罐与罐的安全间距小,成分复杂,风险极高。 B.储罐类型复杂,处置难度高。储罐类型不同,处置方法和灭火药剂不同,处置难度高。 C.着火易引起爆炸,爆炸易引起火灾。 [单项选择]患者,男性,28岁,咳嗽咳痰、痰中带血3个月,伴低热、乏力,胸闷、活动后气促。X线胸片示左下肺不张。为进一步明确诊断,最有意义的检查是()
A. 痰找抗酸杆菌 B. 纤维支气管镜检查 C. 痰找肿瘤细胞 D. 血清糖类抗原CA125 E. 胸部增强CT [填空题]
{{B}}TO: All departments’ managers What is the purpose of the oral French course
The purpose of the memo is for the engineers and the staff mFrom: Jack White (personnel director) Sub: Part-time French Course Date: May 20, 2006{{/B}} In order for our engineers and staff members to better communicate with the French experts, an advanced part-time oral French course is to start on May 25th, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm every weekday’s evening except Friday, and finish on June 30th. Textbooks are free but only those who can pass the interview with the French expert who is also the teacher are eligible to attend the course. The interview will be held on May 23rd. Please collect the names of the engineers and the staff in your division who want to take the course and send the list to Ms. Black, the assistant of personnel manager, by 4 pm Tuesday (May 23rd) as the interview can be arranged properly. [多选题]考核方法( )
A.普考 B.抽考 C.定考 D.报考 [不定项选择题]A.三黄泻心汤
A.大山楂丸 B.葛根汤 C.钩藤散 D.十全大补丸 E.抗胆碱酶药宜联用 [简答题]简述沙坑边唇的功能。
A.俯卧位 B.侧卧位 C.仰卧位 D.半卧位 E.随意体位 [单项选择]口服药物通过胃肠道黏膜细胞主要以何种方式吸收
A. 主动转运 B. 被动扩散 C. 滤过 D. 易化扩散 E. 胞饮 [单选题]3.658. 第1题
分布式电源并网电压等级可根据装机容量进行初步选择,()可接入35kV。 A.3000kW~8000kW以上 B.5000kW~15000kW以上 C.8000kW~15000kW以上 D.5000kW~30000kW以上 [单项选择]当经济处于潜在产出水平以下时,( ),等于摩擦性失业、结构性失业以及周期性失业之和。
A. 实际失业率高于自然失业率 B. 实际失业率低于自然失业率 C. 实际失业率高于摩擦性失业率 D. 实际失业率低于摩擦性失业率 [单项选择]( )作为按发热条件选择配电变压器、导体及电器的依据,并用来计算电压损失和功率损耗。
A. 计算电流 B. 计算负荷 C. 功率损耗 D. 电压损失 [判断题]电子管计算机时代的外存储器采用的是磁芯。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]中国沿海某半日潮港,涨潮流箭矢上标注4 kn,则该处农历初六涨潮流第六小时内的平均流速为_______。
A.1 kn B.2 kn C.3 kn D.4 kn [多选题]启动风机前后盘车如何操作( )。
A.先用手动盘车再电动盘车 B.先电动盘车再手动盘车 C.盘车正常后停盘车 D.风机启动后再停盘车 [单选题]组合式斜楔主摩擦板原型厚度10㎜,磨耗大于(? )时更换。
A.2mm B.3mm C.4mm D.5mm [单选题]铅在常温下的变形属:( )
A.冷变形 B.弹性变形 C.热变形 D.既有冷变形也有热变形 [单项选择] Text
Sleep ,as we know, is important to us because it helps restore tired organs and tissues in our body. But how much sleep do we actually need For most of us, eight hours seems to be about the right amount. (26) we know that there are many people who get (27) perfectly with less sleep, and some who may even need (28) . A great deal depend on the (29) we live. But a good general rule to (30) is to sleep as long as we have to in order to feel happy and be able to work (31) our best when we awaken. There are actually different (32) of sleep. There is a deep sleep and a shallow sleep. In a shallow sleep our body does not get the same kind of rest it gets in a deep sleep, so that after eight hours of a (33) sleep we may still feel tired. But a short, deep sleep can be very (34) . Alexander the Great was able to get a deep slee A. style B. method C. way D. manner [多选题]焚烧炉RTO用到以下哪些公用工程?( )
A.天然气 B.压缩空气 C.冷却水 D.高纯氮气 [单项选择]临床运用安宫牛黄丸时的证治要点是( )
A. 神昏谵语,高热烦躁,舌红或绛,脉数 B. 高热,烦躁,神昏,痉厥,便秘,舌红绛苔干黄,脉数有力 C. 神昏谵语,神热烦躁,痰盛气粗 D. 吐泻腹痛,烦闷欲绝,甚则不省人事 E. 突然昏倒,不省人事,牙关紧闭,苔白脉迟 [判断题]全部停电作业,系指电力线路全部中断供电或变、配电设备进出线全部断开的作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]可以出现全身各系统临床表现,如溶血性贫血、心肌炎、脑膜炎等的肺炎是()
A. 呼吸道合胞病毒肺炎 B. 腺病毒肺炎 C. 金黄色葡萄球菌肺炎 D. 革兰阴性杆菌肺炎 E. 肺炎支原体肺炎 我来回答: 提交