In a recent book entitled The Psychic
Life of Insects, Professor Bouvier says that we must be careful not to credit
the little winged fellows with intelligence when they behave in what seems like
an intelligent manner. They may be only reacting. I would like to confront the
professor with an instance of reasoning power on the part of an insect which
cannot be explained away in any other manner. During the summer of 1899, while I was at work on my doctoral thesis, we kept a female wasp at our cottage. It was more like a child of our own than a Wasp, except that it looked more like a wasp than a child of our own. That was one of the ways we told the difference. It was still a young wasp when we got it (thirteen or fourteen years old) and for some time we could not get it to eat or drink, it was so shy. Since it was a femal A. oppose Professor Bouvier’s point of view B. support Professor Bouvier with his own experience C. further discuss whether insects are intelligent D. illustrate the working theory behind the author’s thesis [单选题]涉枪、涉爆犯罪现场的先期处置的重点环节包括()、求援、疏散、查问、警戒、()、处置、移交
A.隐蔽锁定 B.了解锁定 C.隐蔽判明 D.锁定隐蔽 [填空题]无线音乐俱乐部业务资费(会员费)高级会员()。
[单选题]推行差异化营销的根本目的是( )。
A.效益最大化 B.资源合理配置 C.风险控制 D.薄利多销 [判断题]从业人员发现直接危及人身安全的紧急情况时,无权停止作业 。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]消防工作中“四会”是什么?
[单选题]每个班组防护员按不少于( )人预备。预备人员在遇瞭望困难、通讯不畅区段时担任中间联络员,需要设置工地两端防护时,担任两端防护员。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]治疗鼻渊头痛,风寒头痛的最佳药物是
A. 麻黄 B. 苍耳子 C. 细辛 D. 紫苏 E. 荆芥 [单项选择]线路施工作业时,须在符合规定的()领导下进行施工。
A. 防护员 B. 驻站联络员 C. 车间主任 D. 施工负责人 [判断题]高喷车额定工作高度是指当高喷车举升到最大高度时,处于水平状态的喷射炮中心线到地面的垂直距离。(中)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于初级学院的表述,不正确的是( )。
A. 最早创立于美国 B. 按劳动市场需求设置课程 C. 学制为3年 D. 一种由中等教育向高等教育过渡的教育机构 [单选题]道岔检查方正差的测量方法:在道岔始端一定范围内,用方尺或支距尺垂直于( ),板尺测量两基本轨始端至方尺或支距尺边距离,计算差值。《高速铁路线路维修岗位》P315
A.直股工作边 B.直股非工作边 C.曲股工作边 D.曲股非工作边 [多项选择]女性,52岁,因胸闷伴刺激性咳嗽1个月,胸片示右肺弥散性粟粒样改变。OT试验弱阳性,纤维支气管镜检查未见异常,刷片找TB菌及找瘤细胞阴性,可采取的进一步诊断措施()
A. 局麻开胸肺活检 B. 胸腔镜下肺活检 C. 诊断性抗结核治疗 D. 经胸壁穿刺肺活检 E. 多次痰找瘤细胞 [单选题]高层民用建筑与一、二级耐火等级多层民用建筑之间的防火间距不应小于( )米。
A.9 B.11 C.13 D.14 [单项选择]某圆形砖砌水池,采用MU15烧结普通砖,M10水泥砂浆,按三顺一丁法砌成,池壁厚370mm,水池高2m。砌体施工质量控制等级为B级。水的荷载分项系数取1.0,γ=10kN/m。结构安全等级为二级。该边柱在平面内、平面外的高厚比β,与下列何项数值最接近?()
A. 13.3;20 B. 20;16.7 C. 13.3;16.7 D. 20;20 [单选题]单一操作:指一个 ( ) 完成后,不再有其他相关联的电气操作。
A.操作任务 B.操作项 C.操作的综合指令 D.操作 我来回答: 提交