Landslides happen when large amounts of rock, mud
and other loose materials are suddenly uprooted and sent sliding down a slope.
This might be caused by an earthquake or it might happen after a heavy rain or
when soil becomes waterlogged after a fall of snow. As the material loses its grip and begins to move down the slope it gathers speed and sweeps up more material with devastating results. Nepal suffers from frequent landslides because the hillsides have been stripped of trees. When it rains the water soaks into the soil and this slides down the mountainside. The worst landslide in Wales’ history came about with the collapse of an artificial mountain on 21 October 1966. A 250-metre high mountain of waste material from the local coal mine had been piled up outside the village of Aberfan. Two million tons of ro A. desperate B. misfortunate C. destructive D. catastrophic [多选题]“四个上划”包括( )。
A.货源投放 B.品牌培育 C.数据分析 D.终端建设 [判断题]配变调压应满足最大负荷和最小负荷时供电可靠率的要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]提前退休者的退休金根据提前时间的长短而( )。
A. 逐年增加 B. 逐年减少 C. 保持稳定 D. 以上选项均有可能 [单选题]单相电动机中,转速高的是()。
A.罩极式 B.电容启动型 C.串励式 D.电阻启动型 [判断题]食谱编制在确定食物种类和数量时,应先确定副食品种及油脂的用量,再推算主食品种及数量。
[单选题] 接到事故报告后,某市负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门不应当立即()。
A.派员赶赴现场,监督应急计划的执行 B.按照国家有关规定如实上报事故情况 C.召开新闻发布会,向媒体通报事故情况和原因 D.为事故调查做有关准备丁作 [判断题]氢和氧在铁液的溶解是吸热反应,其溶解度随温度升高而增加
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]内部招募的优点不包括( )。
A.费用高 B.可能造成矛盾 C.来源广 D.激励性强 E.适应较快 我来回答: 提交