[单项选择]房地产估价原则中,不包括( )原则。
A. 合法
B. 公平
C. 分配
D. 替代
[单项选择]与混合瘤的临床表现不符合的是( )
A. 可发生于任何年龄,以30~50岁多见
B. 肿瘤一般不引起功能障碍
C. 肿瘤界限清楚,扪诊呈结节状
D. 肿瘤生长缓慢,可伴有明显疼痛
E. 混合瘤常发生于腮腺区
A. 立即行剖宫产术
B. 急查尿雌激素/肌酐比值
C. 吸氧,严密观察产程进展
D. 静脉滴注缩宫素,加速产程进展
E. 静注25%葡萄糖液内加维生素C
[单选题]普规规定:机车、自轮运转特种设备上均应备有( )和铁鞋(止轮器)。
[单选题]关于全球投资业绩标准(GIPS),以下表述错误的是( )。
A. 信用额度调整
B. 紧急取现
C. 销户结清
D. 资料更改
[单选题]一年欺国债利率3.8%,票面金额为100,则债券利息为( )。
[判断题]某科技人员获得省政府颁发的科技发明奖6万元,他用其中的3万元通过希望工程支援了灾区一所小学,但3万元超过了奖金的30%,所以超过的部分缴纳个人所得税。 ( )
A. 规律客观性原理
B. 矛盾特殊性原理
C. 世界的物质性原理
D. 联系普遍性原理
[填空题]进入DC600V供电制式电气综合柜触摸屏管理界面检查设定值符合要求,温度设置:25G车:制暖18℃;制冷( )。
[单项选择]设int x:,则经过______ 后,语句*px=0;可将x值置为0。
A. int*px;
B. int const *px=&x;
C. int* const px=&x:
D. const int *px=&x;
B. 低分子量肝素抗凝
[判断题]( ) 警冲标,设在两会合线路线间距离为4m
If you want to stay young, sit
down and have a good think. This is the research finding of a team of Japanese
doctors, who say that most of our brains are not getting enough exercises-and as
a result, we are ageing unnecessarily soon. Professor
Taiju Matsuzawa wanted to find out why otherwise healthy farmers in northern
Japan appeared to be losing their ability to think and reason at a relatively
early age, and how the process of ageing could be slowed down.
With a team of colleagues at Tokyo National University, he set about
measuring brain volumes of a thousand people of different ages and varying
occupations. Computer technology enabled the researchers
to obtain precise measurements of the volume of the front and side sections of
the brain, which relate to intellect(智能)and emotion, and determine the hum A. Lawyers B. Farmers C. Clerks D. Shop assistant
American cities are {{U}} (31)
{{/U}} other cities around the world. In every country, cities reflect the
{{U}} (32) {{/U}} of the culture. Cities contain the
very {{U}} (33) {{/U}} aspect of a society: opportunities for education,
employment, and entertainment. They also contain the very worst parts of a
society: violent crime, racial conflict, and poverty. American cities are
changing, just {{U}} (34) {{/U}} American society. After
World War II, the population of {{U}} (35) {{/U}} large American cities
decreased; however, the population in many Sun Belt cities {{U}} (36)
{{/U}} Los Angeles and Houston are cities {{U}} (37) {{/U}}
population increased. These population shifts to and from the
city {{U}} (38) {{/U}} the changing values of American
society. During this time, in the {{U}} (39) {{/U}} 1940s
and e A. managers B. adults C. parents D. doctors
[单选题]关于颗粒型白斑下列哪项说法是正确的 A.属于非均质型白斑 B.属于均质型白斑 C.一般不伴溃疡 D.多发生在舌部 E.很少伴白色念珠菌感染
[填空题]At every stage of development, clothes can help establish a person’’s identity for himself and for those with whom he interacts. The childhood game of "dressing up" in parents’’ 1 provides the opportunity for the child to 2 the roles he will be 3 to play in adult life.
The degree 4 which a person chooses clothes that 5 the roles will affect his performance in those roles. Clothes are an important factor in developing 6 of self-confidence and self-respect, 7 when you look good, you feel good. For most people, clothes are often a source of 8 reaction from others, since in our culture we are more 9 to compliment a person on his 10 than on other 11 of the "self"
Most Americans also 12 that a proper appearance and proper dress are the keys 13 association with the right crowd, which 14 opens the doors to job advancement, increased income, and greater prestige.
Our clothing needs are 15 by a multitude of circumstances, because buying motives are 16 sim A. A. oriented B. influenced C.designed D.formatted
[多选题]若()可用钝的铲刀刮掉,则视为附着不牢。 A.油漆 B.氧化皮 C.铁锈 D.涂层
[判断题]进入值班场所的工作人员应履行工作申请手续,获准后应向当值配抢指挥及服务调度员说明工作目的、时间及可能造成的影响,征得其同意后方可开展工作。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]在防雷装置中用以接受雷云放电的金属导体称为消雷器。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]熄焦车必须精确对位,但不需要走行调速。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]可由怀孕母亲传染胎儿引起畸胎或死胎的寄生虫病是 A. 血吸虫病 B. 旋毛虫病 C. 钩虫病 D. 弓形虫病 E. 丝虫病
[单项选择]对可疑生育遗传病患儿的孕妇做羊水穿刺检查的时间是() A. 妊娠4周 B. 妊娠8周 C. 妊娠12周 D. 妊娠14周 E. 妊娠16周
[单选题]单选题:犯罪嫌疑人甲盗窃被抓获后,主动交待了自己伙同乙共同犯盗窃罪的事实,那么甲的行为构成( )。 A.一般自首 B.特别自首 C.坦白 D.立功
[填空题] {{B}}PART ONE{{/B}} ·Look at these sentences and the four
paragraphs. ·Which dip A, B, C or D does each sentence 1-7 refer to ·For
each sentence 1-7, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. ·You
will need to use some of the letters more than once.
{{B}}A{{/B}} Get as much information about the client as possible—annual
reports company periodicals, publicity. Sometimes there is a point of contact,
i.e. someone who is involved in drafting the request for proposals and who can
answer technical questions about the form and content of your proposal. Call the
person—they may reveal some information that, can give you a competitive edge or
at least a more customised approach to solving the prospective client’s problem.
Sometimes they ever, have a checklist of items they look for in each proposal
and will be prepared to tell you about it if you ask. {{B}}B{{/B}} Proposals
are evaluated by a wide range of readers, from top m
[单项选择]根据《中华人民共和国药品管理法》,下列按劣药论处的情形是() A. 所标明的适应证超出规定范围的 B. 所标明的功能主治超出规定范围的 C. 药品成分的含量不符合国家药品标准的 D. 药品所含成分与国家药品标准规定的成分不符的 E. 使用依照本法必须取得批准文号而未取得批准文号的原料药生产的
[单项选择]措施项目是指为完成工程项目施工,发生于该工程施工准备和施工过程中的()项目。 A. 工程暂列 B. 工程实体 C. 非工程实体 D. 分部分项工程
[单项选择]关系数据库的数据语言是什么语言其核心部分是查询,因此又称为查询语言。 A. 过程化 B. 非过程化 C. 宿主 D. 系列化
[判断题]市场竞争机制能够有效调节的或行政机关采用事后监督等其他行政管理方式能够解决的,不得设定行政许可。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]患者女性,30岁。右肾结核,已无功能,左肾轻度积水,功能尚可,膀胱容量正常,肺部有浸润性肺结核。目前对患者最恰当的治疗措施是() A. 抗结核治疗 B. 右肾切除 C. 右肾部分切除 D. 左肾造瘘 E. 右肾造瘘
[单选题]3.481. 第481题 POS机刷卡交费完毕后,()应与发票收据存根联一同保管。 A.银行卡签购单 B.发票收据记账联 C.交易凭证 D.以上均是
[单选题]锅炉蒸汽管道水击的处理正确的有( )。 A.必须紧急停炉 B.钢炉水位过高时,应适应排污,保持正常水位 。 C.增加负荷 D.检修止回阀
[单选题] 下列( )的连接方式称为保护接地。 A. 将电气设备金属外壳与中性线相连 B. 将电气设备金属外壳与接地装置相连 C. 将电气设备金属外壳与其中一条相线相连
[判断题]稳控装置统计的可切负荷量、可切机组量、直流最大可提升量和最大可回降量等模拟量宜列入监控信息上送调度端安全Ⅱ区。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]下列利用X线检查的方法是 A. RI检查 B. NM检查 C. US检查 D. CT E. MRI
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