The young people who talk of the
village as being "dead" are talking nothing but nonsense, as in their hearts
they must surely know. No, the village is not dead. There is more life in it now than there ever was. But it seems that "Village life" is dead. Gone for ever. (5) {{U}}It began to decline (衰落) about a hundred years ago, when many girls left home to go into service in town many miles away, and men also left home in increasing number in search of work, and home was where work was.{{/U}} There are still a number of people alive today who can remember what "village life" meant in the early years of the present century. It meant knowing and being known by everybody else in the village. It meant finding your entertainment in the village of within walking distance of it. It meant housewives tied to the home all day and e A. positive B. negative C. neutral D. unclear [单选题]为防止液压电梯超速或自由坠落,应设置管道()安全阀。
A.压力; B.破裂 C.流量; D.温度 [单选题]若风切变、失速或GPWS信息被触发,TCAS音响信息
A.红色警告可以触发 B.正常警告 C.被抑制 [单项选择]随原动肌一同收缩,使其更好地发挥作用的肌称()
A. 原动肌 B. 拮抗肌 C. 固定肌 D. 协同肌 E. 轮匝肌 [单选题]Windows系统允许用户同时执行( )任务,并且能方便地在各任务之间切换以及交换信息。
A.1项 B.2项 C.8项 D.多项 [单选题]伤口出血呈喷射状或鲜红血液涌出时,立即用清洁手指压迫( ),使血流中断,并将出血肢体抬高或举高,以减少出血量。
A.出血点 B.出血点上方(近心端) C.出血点下方 D.人中 [单项选择] AIDS
AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The human immunodeficiency virus (人类免疫缺损病毒)called HIV is believed to cause AIDS. There is no cure. People who get the disease will die. AIDS itself does not kill. However, it attacks and destroys the body’’s defense system that fights against infection. When this happens, a person has little ability to fight off many other diseases including pneumonia(肺炎), cancer and tuberculosis (结核病).
A new study says the number of women in the United States with AIDS has increased sharply. The study says AIDS is increasing faster among women than among men. Eighteen percent of AIDS patients are women. This is almost 3 times the rate 10 years ago. Most women get the AIDS virus from having sexual relations with men. Pregnant women with the disease can pass it to their babies. The effect of AIDS in America is greatest in large cities. AIDS is the leading cause of death among all people in 79 cities. It is th
A. Yes, they did in 1981 . B. Yes, they did in 1983. C. No. And they have given up the effort. D. Not yet, but they are continuing effort to find better treatments for a cure. [单选题]下列那类( )人员不享受优先接收政策。
A.大专以上毕业生 B.解放军退役士兵 C.政府专职队员 D.厨师 [单选题]急流救援中,常称河流( )是指朝向下游方向的左手方向。
A. 右岸 B. 左岸 C. 侧岸 D. 下岸 [单选题]架空绝缘导线应在线路的( )设立验电接地环或其他验电接地装置,以满足运行、检修工作的需要。
A.适当位置 B.可靠位置 C.每档之间 D.转角处 [判断题]在出车前的车辆安全状况检查中,驾驶员只需要对车辆的制动系统、燃油系统进行检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]经纬仪是输电线路工程主要测量仪器之一,可用来测量(____)。
A. 水平角度 B. 竖直角度 C. 距离 D. 高程 [填空题]Windows98操作系统中使用______来存放系统的所有配置数据,包括专用于该计算机的配置数据和用户自行设置系统的设置数据。
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