Changes in art and cultural history
have never been easy to assimilate to political or economic changes. But perhaps
we have enough evidence to show that particular sub-ideologies, combined with or
supported by a bureaucratic upsurge, have caused, or been associated with, what
appear to be downhill trends. Different generations naturally engender different
styles. No harm in that. Still, it can be argued that some fashions in the field
are less troublesome than others. In an analysis of this sort, one cannot exclude subjectivity. When a writer finds spokesmen of a new generation not susceptible to his or others’ earlier work, several notions may occur to him. First, that tastes change. To judge art and culture is indeed, in part, to make a more subjective assessmet of the aesthetics, which is of taste. And if one asserts that a A. decorating B. magic C. religion D. art [判断题]一般事故分为:一般A类事故、一般B类事故、一般C类事故、一般D类事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]液力变矩器相当于普通汽车上的离合器。()
[多选题]【多选】 场车发动机常见故障有( )。
A. 冷却水温度过高 B. 发动机不能起动 C. 排气冒黑烟 D. 机油压力不正常 [单项选择]下面属于排水工程规划图纸内容的是( )。
A. 明确排水体制,划分排水区域,估算雨水、污水总量,制定不同地区污水排放标准 B. 排水管、渠系统规划布局,确定主要泵站及位置 C. 污水处理厂布局、规模、处理等级,以及综合利用的基本措施 D. 排水泵站和其他排水构筑物规模位置,污水处理厂位置、用地范围 [单项选择]严格防止大块异物落入斗式提升机的(),以免损坏料斗和影响提升机运行。
A. 机头 B. 机座 C. 机壳 D. 出料口 [单选题]不属于水溶性基质的是
A.甲基纤维素 B.卡波普 C.羊毛脂 D.羟丙甲纤维素 E.聚乙二醇 [填空题]Thirty-one million Americans are over 60 years of age, and
twenty-nine million of them are health, busy, productive citizens. (1) By the year 2030, one of every five people in the United States will (2) be over 60. Older people are members of the fastest-growing majority (3) in this country. Many call this the "graying of America". In 1973, a group called the "Gray Panthers" was organized. This group is made (4) of young and old citizens. They are trying to treat with the special (5) problems of growing old in America. The Gray Panthers know that many elderly people have healthy problems: some cannot walk well; others (6) cannot see or hear well; some have financial problems-prices are going up fast that the elderly can’t afford the food, clothing, and housing they (7) [判断题]当发现具有邪教特征的非法聚会和其他活动时,或者有 人要拉拢你参与邪教活动,赶紧向公安机关报告。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]全面抗战爆发后,八路军打的第一个大胜仗,打破了日军不可战胜的神话的是( )。
A.平型关大捷 B.台儿庄战役 C.武汉会战 D.长沙大捷 [单选题]CRH1型动车组常用制动控制板部件K压力传感器作用( )。( )
A.依据载重,限制到中继阀的控制压力 B.将控制压力信号发送到制动计算机 C.将主风缸管路输入压力信号发送到制动计算机 D.将载重压力信号发送到制动计算机 [单项选择]应用科学是将()的知识应用到实际问题上的科学。
A. 社会科学 B. 自然科学 [单选题]作为社会保障体系的一项重要内容,( )是一种新型的社会救助制度,从操作角度看,也是目前和今后基层社区社会救助工作的最基本任务
A.社区居民保险制度 B.社区居民福利制度 C.社区居民救济制度 D.最低生活保障制度 [单选题]新中国成立初期的“银圆之战”和“米棉之战”的直接目的是( )。
A.恢复发展国民经济 B.巩固人民民主政权 C.解决财政困难 D.平抑物价,稳定市场 [单选题]CRH380B型动车组牵引传动系统采用4动4拖的动力配置,( ) 车为拖车。
A.01、03、06、08 B.02、04、05、07 C.01、02、07、08 D.01、03、05、07 [单项选择]一般色拉油放置一段时间,会()
A. 长霉菌 B. 酸败 C. 发酵 D. 结晶 [单选题]感邪后某一部位病证未了,又出现另一部位病证的发病类型是( )
A.感邪即发 B.徐发 C.继发 D.合病 E.并病 [单选题]双侧眼球突出常见于下列哪种疾病
A.甲状腺功能亢进症 B.甲状腺功能减退症 C.急性肾炎 D.心功能不全 E.肝硬化 [判断题]重要空白凭证交接双方必须在监控录像下进行办理重要空白凭证交接。 (1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]工作液循环过滤系统,起到不断排除电蚀物,()加工精度的作用。
A. 提高 B. 降低 C. 不改变 D. 都不对 我来回答: 提交