如果病人的血压升到110/80mmHg,应采取的最佳治疗措施是( ) Since the late 1970’s, in the face of a
severe loss of market share in dozens of industries, manufacturers in the United
States have been trying to improve productivity—and therefore enhance their
international competitiveness—through cost-cutting programs. (Cost-cutting here
is defined as raising labor output while holding the amount of labor constant. )
However, from 1978 through 1982, productivity-the value of goods manufactured
divided by .the amount of labor input did not improve; and while the results
were better in the business upturn of the three years following, they ran 25
percent lower than productivity improvements during earlier, post 1945 upturns.
At the same time, A. flawed and ruinous B. shortsighted and difficult to sustain C. popular and easily accomplished D. useful but inadequate [判断题]采煤工作面回采结束后,必须在1.5个月内进行永久封闭。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对公安消防部队副团职以及相当职级的干部党员,给予开除党籍处分,应由()批准。
A. 公安厅(局)党委 B. 公安厅(局)纪委 C. 总队党委 D. 总队纪委 [判断题]动车组列车安装好防护网、打开部分车门,由列车乘务人员防护的情况下允许限速60km每小时运行(通过站台时限速40km每小时)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]可燃气体爆炸下限越低则火灾危险性越大。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]治疗痢疾以下面哪组穴位为主()
A. 合谷、天枢、上巨虚、下脘、关元 B. 足三里、上巨虚、中脘、大肠俞、胃俞 C. 神阙、百会、气海、关元 D. 天枢、上巨虚、下巨虚、大肠俞 E. 大肠俞、天枢、小肠俞、上巨虚、下巨虚 [判断题]苏铁科植物主要分布于热带、亚热带地区。
A. 评审设计方案 B. 调整进度计划 C. 采取纠偏措施 D. 编制项目进度控制工作流程 [单项选择]硅胶可以除去载气中()杂质。
A. H20 B. 02 C. C02 D. 烃类 我来回答: 提交