Many students find the experience of
attending university lectures to be a really confusing and frustrating
experience. The lecturer often speaks in front of the students for one or two
hours, perhaps {{U}} (67) {{/U}} the talk with slides, writing up some
important information on the blackboard, {{U}} (68) {{/U}} reading
material and giving out {{U}} (69) {{/U}} at the end of the lecture. The
new student sees the other students continuously writing on their
notebooks and {{U}} (70) {{/U}} what to write on his own
notebook. Very often the student leaves the lecture {{U}} (71) {{/U}} the
notes which do not catch the main points in the lecture and {{U}} (72)
{{/U}} become hard even for the {{U}} (73) {{/U}} himself to
understand. Most institutions provide many courses which {{U}} (74)
{{/U}} new students to develop the skills they need t A. extending B. illustrating C. performing D. conducting [单选题]闸门在吊起状态下,可以进行气割、焊接及其他降低闸门金属结构强度的检修工作。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [判断题]降压变电站全部停电时,应将各个可能来电侧的部分断开,其余部分不必每段都装设接地线或合上接地刀闸(装置)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]开断电抗器时会产生截流过电压,采取的措施是(____)。
A. 装设避雷器 B. 使用空气断路器 C. 装设放电间隙 D. 装设放电线圈 [多项选择]依据FIDIC《施工合同条件》规定,对于承包商提出的索赔,可能同时给予补偿工期、费用和利润的情况有( )。
A. 对竣工检验的干扰 B. 不可抗力造成的损失 C. 延误移交施工现场 D. 业主提前占用工程 E. 非承包商原因检验导致施工延误 [简答题]分化抑制
[判断题]列车施行常用制动时,货物列车运行速度在30km/h 以下时,不应缓解列车制动。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]档案工作的()是档案工作政治性的集中表现。
A. 机要性 B. 服务方向 C. 科学管理性 D. 真实性 [单选题]公安机关将涉嫌殴打他人的秦某传唤到公安派出所,对其进行安全检查时,对其携带的( )不能扣押。
A.用于伤害他人的刀片 B.淫秽光碟 C.用于伤害他人的菜刀 D.自己的钱包 我来回答: 提交