A single rocket is not powerful enough
to send a spaceship into space. This is because all the fuel a single rocket
can. carry is not enough to give the necessary amount of power. To get enough
fuel and power to last till the spaceship gets out of the Earth’s gravitation
force (引力) , a number of rockets are needed. These rockets are connected one on
top of the other, looking much like a large tower. Together they form a
multi-stage rocket. The spaceship lies at the top of the multi-stage
rocket. The first stage of a multi-stage rocket is called the booster. It is the biggest as it has to lift the whole thing from the ground. The booster helps to lift the rockets into the sky. When the fuel of the booster is used up, it separates from the rest of the rocket and drops to the Earth. When this happens, the second stage fires and pushes the rocket A. The booster B. The second rocket C. The third rocket D. The multi-stage rocket [简答题]“德性是知识”
A. 实行出口配额招标的货物 B. 实行出口许可证管理的货物 C. 实行出口配额许可证管理的货物 D. 不选 [多选题]火力发电厂中,600MW发电机一变压器组接于500kV配电装置,对发电机定子绕组及变压器过电压,应装设下列的哪几种保护?( )
A.发电机过电压保护 B.发电机过励磁保护 C.变压器过电压保护 D.变压器过励磁保护 [填空题]CRH1A型动车组通信控制器(COMC)设置在_______。
[判断题]1340 进入 SF6 电气设备室或与其相连的电缆夹层、沟道,只需检测 SF6 气体含量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
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