From Monday until Friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and on weekends they are free and enjoy themselves. Some watch TV or go to the movies (电影院); (36) take part in sports. It depends on individual (个人的) (37) . There are many different ways to (38) our spare time.
Almost everyone has (39) kind of hobby (爱好). It may be something from collecting stamps (40) making model airplanes. Some hobbies are very (41) ; others don’t (42) at all. Some collections are (43) a lot of money; others are (44) only — for their owners.
I know a man who has a (45) collection worth several thousand dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare (稀有的) fifty cent piece worth 250!
He was very happy about his collection and thought the (46) was reasonable. (47) , my youngest brother (48) match boxes. He has almost 600 of them but I doubt if they are wort
A. time
B. energy
C. interests
D. fun
How much sleep does a person need
(31) the physiological bases of the need for sleep remain
conjectural (猜想), rendering conclusive answers to this question impossible, much
evidence has been gathered on how much sleep people do in fact obtain. Perhaps
the most important conclusion to be (32) from this evidence
is (33) there is great variability among individuals in
total sleep time. For adults, (34) between six and nine
hours of sleep as a nightly average is not unusual, and 7.5 hours probably best
expresses the norm. Such norms, of course, forms inevitably vary with the
criteria of sleep employed. The most (35) and reliable
figures on sleep time, including those cited here, come from studies in sleep
laboratories, where EEG criteria are employed. (36) consistently has been associated with the va A. arrived B. benefited C. drawn D. deprived [单选题]公称通径280mm。最大工作压力35MPa的环形防喷器,型号为()
A.F.H28-35 B.F.Z28-35 C.F.Z35-35 D.F.H35-28 [判断题] 年1月2日,上海证券交易所发布了上证50指数,它的基期指数为100点。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]旋流器实现油水分离利用的是()。
A. 油、水密度不同 B. 油、水极性不同 C. 油、水温度不同 D. 油、水溶解度不同 [单选题]孙中山在()中第一次将同盟会的纲领概括为民族民权、民生三民主义。
A.《国民报》 B.《民报》发刊词 C.《万法精理》 D.《民约论》 [多选题]装拆接地线导体端应使用()或(),人体不应碰触接地线。带接地线拆设备接头时,应采取防止接地线脱落的措施
A.绝缘棒 B.专用的绝缘绳 C.木棒 D.麻绳 [多选题]道岔()、尖端杆、接头铁、道岔连接杆、道岔连接垫板等绝缘部件应齐全无损伤,螺栓平直、拧紧。
A.轨距杆 B.密贴调整杆 C.基础角钢 D.钢轨绝缘 [填空题]六淫伤人的途径主要是()或()
[判断题]钳形电流表的外形象个钳子,使用它可以在断开电路的情况下,测量电路的电流。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]个人精准扶贫贷款消费贷款主要包括()。
A.住房贷款 B.助学贷款 C.耐用品消费贷款 D.其他贷款 [简答题] 简述衍生工具的内涵、特征与功能。
[单选题]【单选】在测试中发现切换不及时,修改哪种参数可以改善?( )[1分]
A.调大门限 B.调大Hysteresis C.调小Time To Trigger D.调大Time To Trigger [单选题]104.《铁路机车统计规则》(铁总统计[2016]261号)自:( )。
A.2010年1月1日起施行 B.2017年1月1日起施行 C.2010年12月31日起施行 D.2017年12月31日起施行 [单选题]治疗链球菌引起的感染,应首选( )
A. 红霉素 B. 链霉素 C. 青霉素 D. 克林霉素 E. 灭滴灵 [填空题]S7
[判断题]如果证实燃料中确有不正常的水分存在,在未查明有水分存在的原因并且采取补救措施之前,不能继续为飞机提供加油服务。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在10kV跌落式熔断器上桩头有电的情况下,未采取安全措施前,不准在熔断器下桩头( )。
A.新装电缆尾线 B.调换电缆尾线 C.吊装电缆终端头 D.搭接电缆终端头 [判断题]—年第二次修订了现行的安全生产法
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]动车组进行调车作业时,原则上采用自走行方式,凭地面信号机的显示运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]列车司机凭车载信号、地面信号或信号灯显示行车,运行中应确认进路、道岔位置正确;临时停车时,不应擅自后退。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 混合动力汽车的缺点是长距离高速行驶基本不省油。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《电力设施保护条例》规定,任何单位和个人都有保护电力设施的义务, 对危害电力设施的行为,有权制止并向( )、公安部门报告
A. 电力管理部门 B. 当地供电所 C. 营 业厅 D. 人民政府 [简答题]2.简述CRH380B型动车组接触器箱、辅助空气压缩机、主空气压缩机、自动过分相装置、撒砂装置分别在车组中的几号车?
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