{{B}}Questions 6~10 {{/B}} There has been much hullabaloo about corporate accounting scams in America, yet perhaps the biggest accounting oversight of all time remains hidden in governments’ own national figures. GDP per head is the most commonly used measure of a country’s success, yet it is badly flawed as a guide to a nation’s economic well-being. A new study in the OECD’s 2006 "Going for Growth" report considers some alternatives. Economists spend much time discussing how to boost GDP growth. The OECD itself drew attention this week to the widening gap between American’ s and Europe’s GDP per head. Yet a nation’s well-being depends on many factors ignored by GDP, such as leisure time, income inequality and the quality of the environment. GDP was developed primarily as a planning tool to guide the huge production effort of the Second World A. (A) Because the GDP per capita in France is substantially higher than in America. B. (B) Because France witnessed a sharp increase of inequality in income distribution. C. (C) Because income distribution is more polarized in America than in France. D. (D) Because the two countries adopted different methods of national-account measurement. [单项选择]马克思主义是()
A. 关于人类社会发展的一般规律的学说 B. 关于无产阶级和人类解放的科学 C. 关于阶级斗争的一般规律的学说 D. 关于自然发展的一般规律的学说 [单项选择]北京故宫里有一块牌匾上写着“中正仁和”,其中“仁”的思想来自于()
A. 道家 B. 儒家 C. 法家 D. 墨家 [多项选择]仪表调试中,要求标准仪表的精度高于被校仪表的等级数为( )级。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [多项选择]气厥虚者治疗时所用方药是
A. 生脉注射液 B. 五磨饮子 C. 参附青注射液 D. 通关散 E. 四味回阳饮 [单项选择]同步发电机,三种电势qE、E′、E″之间的大小关系为()。
A. qE>E′>E″ B. qE [多选题].【多选题】使用电动工具,不得手提( )。
A. 导线 B. 把手 C. 转动部分 D. 器身 [填空题]供应商招标控制价审核表:( )、( )及品牌需求[如有]需要描述清楚,无法描述清楚地需要附拟采购材料照片,填报不符合要求的驳回整改。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]故障发生后, 运行单位应及时分析故障原因,制订( ),并按规定完成分析报告与分类统计上报工作。
A.防范措施 B.保护措施 C.检修计划 D.临时计划 [单选题]个人计算机的中央处理器一般称为( )。
A.PC B.CPU C.RAM D.Word [单选题]可寄生在巨噬细胞内的细菌是
A.布氏杆菌 B.金黄色葡萄球菌 C.肺炎链球菌 D.破伤风杆菌 E.炭疽杆菌 [单选题]优化工程选线、选址方案,规范开工程序,完善建设施工安全方案和相应安全防护措施,认真做好电力建设工程设计审核和阶段性验收工作(含防雷设施)。()
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]Since Andrew Benton graduated from college less than four years ago, he has dropped out of a Princeton Ph.D. program in economics, moved to rural Georgia to start a Web-software company that he’s trying to sell, and now works freelance (自由职业) for a cloud-computing company in Silicon Valley. He buys his own health insurance and contributes to his retirement accounts; neither his policy nor his accounts receive corporate contributions. Does his job instability and lack of benefits worry him Nope. The 26-year-old does not expect to hold a traditional 9-to-5 job unless he starts his own business again, and he is not overly pessimistic about the recession’s long-term effect on his career. "I don’t pay that much attention to what is going on in the economy," he says. "I just found stuff I was interested in."
Whatever you make of this attitude—smart, entitled, tech savvy (聪明的) , risky, or bold—Benton is arguably the protype (典型) of the new and perhaps ideal worker in the post-recession e A. Whether the economy is going to pick up quickly. B. When he should start and run another software firm. C. Whether the job interests him and arouses his curiosity. D. How he can find an ideal job unaffected by the recession. [判断题]新型肺炎主要症状表现是发热、乏力、干咳?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]如需使用,驾驶舱在座飞行员从何处取得救生衣
A.其本人座椅背后 B.其本人座椅左侧 C.其本人座椅下方 D.其本人座椅右侧 [单项选择]应投标人和招标人或项目业主的要求,在项目投标人资格预审阶段开出的用以证明投标人在中标后可在承诺行获得针对该项目的一定额度信贷支持的授信文件是()。
A. 客户授信额度 B. 开立信贷证明 C. 项目贷款承诺 D. 备用信用证 我来回答: 提交