The conditions of art should be simple.
A great deal more depends upon the heart than upon the head. Appreciatioia of
art is not secured by any elaborate scheme of learning. Art requires a good
healthy atmosphere. The motives for art are still around about us as they were
round about the ancients. And the subjects are also easily found by the earnest
sculptor and the painter. Nothing is more picturesque and graceful than a man at
work. The artist who goes to the children’s playground, watches them at their
sport and sees the boy stoop to tie his shoe, will find the same themes that
engaged the attention of the ancient Greeks, and such observation and the
illustrations which follow will do much to correct that foolish impression that
mental and physical beauty are always divorced. To you, more than perh A. For an artist, the ability to feel is more important than the ability to think. B. It is prudent to think that mental and physical beauty are always separated. C. Americans should have some wood carving in their house decorations. D. Modern jewellery lacks delicacy or refinement and is deficient in taste. [单选题]采空区顶板处理最常用的方法是()。
A.缓慢下沉法 B.全部垮落法 C.充填法 [简答题]人工挖孔桩基础施工时,孔下作业不得超过()小时。
A. 经项目经理同意后,可以任意 B. 经项目书记同意后,可以任意 C. 不得擅自 D. 可以 [单选题]()是应急机制的基础,也是整个应急体系的基础。
A.分级响应 B.统一指挥 C.公众动员机制 D.以人为本 [判断题]( )路基C 级病害应及时安排维修计划整治。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]患者,男,51岁,在某基层医院行鼻中隔矫正及下鼻甲部分切除术时因鼻腔出血严重未完成手术即行鼻腔填塞,术后2天抽出鼻腔填塞物后患者又再度出血,行前鼻孔填塞后止血效果仍然不佳,且患者全身情况逐渐衰竭,遂转至某大医院,转入时,患者神志模糊,不时从口中吐出血液,测血压为70/50mmHg。鼻中隔矫正术中引起严重出血的常见原因有()
A. 鼻腔有急性炎症 B. 术中血压升高 C. 鼻外伤史 D. 对局麻药物过敏 E. 术中损伤重要血管 F. 术中出血低血糖反应 [简答题](76596)通风机运转而压缩机不运转处理方法?[325220740](10.0分)
[单选题]长轨列车运行按专列办理,如有附挂车辆应挂在( )。
A.头部 B.中部 C.尾部 D.任何部位 [多项选择]广播新闻编辑工作在适应广播传播特点的过程中,形成了不同于其他媒介新闻编辑的工作特点,这些特点就是()
A. 适应声音传播规律 B. 适应远距离传播特点 C. 适应线性传播需要 D. 适应听众接收状态 E. 适应国际传播竞争 [单选题]吊篮悬吊平台四周有应装有安全护栏,护栏底部应设置高度不小于( )。
A.80mm B.100mm C.120mm D.150mm [判断题]因续贷业务是基于原贷款业务而产生的,故可以省略或简化部分业务操作流程。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]慢性肾衰竭的饮食治疗可选()
A. 口服血管紧张素Ⅱ受体拮抗剂 B. 静脉点滴或口服必需氨基酸 C. 注射红细胞生成素 D. 限制蛋白饮食 E. 低热量饮食 [判断题]理财顾问服务体现了理财师对客户需求的准确理解和把握以及对金融服务、产品的综合运用的水平。
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