It sounds all wrong-drilling holes in a
piece of wood to make it more resistant to knock. But it works because the
energy from the blow gets distributed throughout the wood rather than focusing
on one weak spot. The discovery should lead to more effective and lighter
packaging materials. Carpenters have known {{U}} (51) {{/U}} centuries that some woods are tougher than others. Hickory(山核桃木), for example, was turned into axe handles and cartwheel spokes (车轮辐条) because it can absorb shocks without breaking. White oak (橡木), for example, is much more easily damaged, {{U}} (52) {{/U}} it is almost as dense. Julian Vincent at Bathe University and his team were convinced the wood’s internal structure could explain the differences. Many trees have tubular(管状的) vessels that run {{U}} (53) {{/U}}the tru A. also B. besides C. else D. yet [单选题]‡- 17It took the experts several months to decide on the _( ) for the new airport.
A. source B. earth C. site D. character [多选题]以下可能产生风险隐患的做法有()o
A.为了便于运输,保持拌料车间与原料仓库之间物料传递口处于常开状态 B.包装车间垃圾和废弃物存放设施未加盖密闭 C.产品成品离地离墙存放 D.原料贮存仓库无通风设施 [单项选择]男性,23岁,因胸4椎体单纯压缩骨折卧床休息。
骨折后早期胸腰部的功能锻炼方法应是( )。 A. 三点法 B. 四点法 C. 五点法 D. 俯卧挺胸法 E. 飞燕点水法 [单项选择]在下列谈判策略技巧中,属于制造僵局策略技巧的是()
A. 齐头并进 B. 提供方案 C. 进退有度 D. 咄咄逼人 [判断题]采用阻化剂防灭火时,选用的阻化剂材料不得污染井下空气和危害人体健康。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者,女,67岁。发作性胸闷、胸痛、心悸二个月。现证:心前区疼痛,胸中烦闷,心悸、气短,痰多粘稠,口干,舌红边尖紫暗,苔黄腻,脉细滑结代。临床最佳辨证当是:
A.炙甘草汤证 B.小陷胸汤证 C.小建中汤证 D.大陷胸汤证 E.桂枝甘草汤证 [多项选择]根据公安部《毒品案件侦查协作规定》,下列对毒品案件侦查协作的原则叙述不正确的有()
A. 平等、协作、无偿 B. 依法、及时、无偿 C. 依法、平等、及时 D. 依法、平等、互利 [单项选择]赵某,妊娠38周,下肢水肿1周,头痛半天,无恶心、呕吐,胎心率132次/分,血压21.3/14.6kPa(160/110mmHg),下肢水肿(++),尿蛋白(++)。应考虑()
A. 妊娠合并肝炎 B. 妊娠合并慢性肾炎 C. 妊娠水肿 D. 中度妊高征 E. 先兆子痫 [单选题] 根据桂价格《2015》41号文,居民阶梯电价调整为“按年执行”,第三档在第一档电量电价基础上每千瓦时提高( )。
A. 0.1元 B. 0.3元 C. 0.2元 D. 1.0元 [判断题]技能竞赛项目只是实操比赛。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]断路器在充气24小时后检漏,48小时后测微水。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]用人单位未参加生育保险或者未按时足额缴纳生育保险费的,职工如何享受生育保险待遇?
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