{{B}}What Is Death {{/B}} People in the past did not question the difference between life and death. They could see that a person died when his heart stopped beating. People have learned, however, that the body does not die immediately when the heart stops beating. They discovered that we remain alive as long as our brain remains active. Today the difference between life and death is not as easy to see as in the past. Modern medical devices can keep the heart beating and the lungs breathing long after the brain stops. But is this life This question has caused much debate among citizens in the United States. Many of them want a law that says a person is dead when the brain dies. A person should be considere A. when the heart stops beating. B. when the brain becomes less active. C. when the brain stops working. D. when doctors stop medical treatment. [单选题] 根据我国现行消费税的规定,纳税人委托个人加工应税消费品,由()消费税。
A.受托人代收代缴 B.委托方收回后向其机构所在地或者居住地主管税务机关缴纳 C.委托方收回后在受托方机构所在地缴纳 D.不缴纳 [单项选择]一组定期寿险保单,在第1保单年度现金收入8 000元,现金支出10 240元,年度末有效保单数1 000份,则每份保单项下的资产份额是( )元。
A. 2.24 B. -2.24 C. 3.49 D. 10.98 [判断题] 【受聘于消防技术服务机构的注册消防工程师,每个注册有效期应当至少参与完成2.个消防技术服务项目。--《注册消防工程师管理规定》第二十九条】
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进行接引线作业时,可利用绝缘杆与带电体保持规定的安全距离,带负荷搭接引线。()
A.正确 B.错误 C. D. E.略 [判断题]GYK具有正常监控模式、目视行车模式、隔离模式、区间作业模式和非正常行车模式等控制模式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列词语中划线的字,读音相同的一项是( )
A.骁勇甚嚣尘上枭雄气凌霄汉 B.摹本摩肩接踵模样顶礼膜拜 C.似的舐犊情深祭祀噬脐莫及 D.趔趄雕兰玉砌挈带锲而不舍 [单选题]主要抑制排卵的避孕药是
A.甲基睾丸素 B.雌激素与孕激素复方制剂 C.乙烯雌酚 D.大剂量炔诺酮 E.前列腺素 [单选题]ATP合成部位在( )
A.线粒体外膜 B.线粒体内膜 C.线粒体膜间腔 D.线粒体基质 E.线粒体内膜F1-F0复合体 [单选题]“仓廪实而知礼节,衣食足而知荣辱”反映了人的需要具有( )
A.整体性 B.选择性 C.层次性 D.动力性 我来回答: 提交