Tell an investment banker that a
picture bought in 1950 for $30,000 sold this month for $104.1 million and you
will be unlucky if you fail to get his attention. That was the case with the
portrait of a young boy by Picasso when Sotheby’s dispersed on May 5 the tail
end of the famous collection formed by the late John Hay Whitney and his wife
Betsy Cushing Whitney. Sales added up to almost $190 million within two
hours. If you then go on to explain that Whitney bought the 1905 portrait not for investment but for art’s sake, because he loved 19th- and 20th-century painting, you might well be greeted with a stare of compassionate irony. Yet that was exactly so. Had the heir to a vast fortune consulted experts at the time, most would have advised against the acquisition. Received wisdom in the 1950s A. its art historical importance B. its aesthetic characterization C. the general public’s idea D. its beauty [单选题]铁路军事运输范围分为人员运输和( )。
A.货物运输 B.物资运输 C.装备运输 D.器械运输 [单项选择]健康促进的基本内涵包括
A. 个人行为改变 B. 集体行为改变 C. 政府行为改变 D. 个人及政府行为改变 E. 某个特殊人群的行为改变 [填空题]食品名称应当表明食品的()。
[判断题]水环泵在没有水的情况下也能引水。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]中国铁路总公司客运部关于实名制新增港澳台居民居住证的通知决定在车票实名制办法“有效身份证件”中增加“ ( ) ”,《客管电〔2018〕152号中国铁路总公司客运部关于实名制新增港澳台居民居住证的通知》
A. 树形 B. 模块化设计 C. 分层星形拓扑结构 D. 网状 我来回答: 提交