An Ohio State University study has
linked behavior in young children with the type of job their mother has. Mothers
with complex occupations that are self-directed and require working with other
people tended to have offspring with relatively low levels of behavior problems.
The opposite held true when the jobs were routine, closely supervised, and dealt
with things, rather than people. "A job that challenges and interests a mother and gives her an opportunity to exercise judgment and solve problems clearly has positive consequences for her children’s behavior," indicates associate professor of sociology Elizabeth Menaghan. Occupations with more positive conditions include management, sales, and teaching positions. Jobs that may be related to increased child behavior problems include book-keeping, food service, and assembly lin A. Mothers’ jobs may affect kids’ future career. B. Mothers’ jobs may affect kids’ behavior. C. Closely supervised women often punish children. D. Youngsters like to follow parental demands. [简答题]单班单司机值乘的旅客列车(含确认列车)在区间被迫停车后可能妨碍邻线时,应如何处置
[多选题]到达、中转列车进站前,检车员应提前到达指定位置接车,重点观察( )。
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A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]阀厅内高压穿墙套管试验加压前应通知阀厅外侧换流变压器上试验无关人员撤离,确认其余绕组均已(),并派专人监护。
A.A.可靠绝缘< B.B.可靠接地< C.C.可靠断开< D.D.D可靠连接< 我来回答: 提交