Freshwater life itself has never come
easy in the Middle East. Ever since The Old Testament (旧约全书), God punished man
with 40 days and 40 nights of rain. Water supplies here have been dwindling. The
rainfall only comes in winter and drains quickly through the semiarid land,
leaving the soil to bake and to thirst for next November. The region’s accelerating population, expanding agriculture, industrialization, and higher living standards demand more freshwater. Drought and pollution limit its availability. War and mismanagement waste it. Said Joyce Start of the Global Water Summit Initiative, based in Washington, D.C. "Nations like Israel and Jordan are swiftly sliding into that zone where they are suing all the water resources available to them. They have only 15 to 20 years left before their agriculture, and ultimately A. depressing B. urgent C. joking D. mocking [单项选择]桑叶、菊花同用的方剂是( )
A. 羚角钩藤汤 B. 天麻钩藤饮 C. 桑杏汤 D. 清燥救肺汤 E. 银翘散 [多选题]排放瓦斯时,停电撤人的范围包括( )。
A.受排放瓦斯影响的硐室和巷道 B.被排放瓦斯风流切断安全出口的采掘工作面 C.全矿井 D.矿井一翼 [单选题]下列哪个不是工业陶瓷( )
A.耐火材料 B.电瓷 C.特种陶瓷 D.艺术陶瓷 [单选题]如果火焰探测器前面的隔热玻璃脏污,在锅炉点火过程中可能出现_
A.点火电极不打火 B.点火失败 C.点火变压器不通电 D.风门不能关小 [判断题]高处作业吊篮主要结构件腐蚀、磨损深度达到原结构件厚度10%时,应予报废。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]邻近或交叉其他电力线路的工作应设专人监护,以防误登带电线路杆塔。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]以下哪些人不得担任同级工会经费审查委员会委员()。
A. 工会主席 B. 分管财务和资产的副主席 C. 财务和资产管理人员 D. 行政会计 [简答题]心绞痛:
A. 常见于年轻运动员 B. 一般不致残 C. VitD缺乏是明显的危险因素 D. 疾病初起时滑膜变性 E. 最常见于负重的关节 [单项选择]We sometimes hear that essays are an old-fashioned form. that so-and-so is the "last essayist", but the facts of the marketplace argue quite otherwise. Essays of nearly any kind are so much easier than short stories for a writer to sell, so many more see print, it’’s strange that though two fine anthologies (collections)remain that publish the year’’s best stories, no comparable collection exists for essays. Such changes in the reading public’’s taste aren’’t always to the good, needless to say. The art of telling stories predated even cave painting, surely; and if we ever find ourselves living in caves again, it (with painting and drumming)will be the only art left, after movies, novels, photography, essays ,biography, and all the rest have gone down the drain―the art to build from.
Essays, however, hang somewhere on a line between two sturdy poles: this is what I think, and this is what I am. Autobiographies which aren’’t novels are generally extended essays, indeed. A personal es
A. the art of essay-writing would lose its foundation. B. the art and literature would most totally vanish. C. the art of story-telling would remain in caves alone. D. the life of art would be thoroughly drained away. [判断题]根据宪法和法律,国务院有权规定行政措施,制定行政法规,发布决定和命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在集中联锁,列车冒进出站信号时,应使列车退回信号机内方,再开放信号机发车。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]国家建立饮用水水源( )制度。
A.保护区 B.审批 C.禁止开采 D.限制开采 [单选题]银行业金融机构和金融资产管理公司应根据《不良金融资产处置尽职指引》制定实施细则并报( )备案。
A.中国银行业监督管理委员会 B.中国人民银行 C.财政部 D.中国银行业监督管理委员会和财政部 [多选题]电梯维保工小钱在某宾馆电梯机房清洗曳引绳,小钱用短接线把电梯向上检修运行按钮短接,然后手拿回丝清洗轿厢拽引轮下的钢丝绳,由于钢丝绳的断丝钩住回丝,回丝又缠住小钱的手指,曳引绳向上运行,把小钱的手指卷入绳槽之中,造成小钱四指残废。( )。
A.不能用短接线短接按钮开关 B.应用刷子清洗钢丝绳 C.电梯运行中,可用回丝清洗钢丝绳 D.维保电梯应二人或二人以上 [单选题]话说:“人闲百病生。”医学研究表明,适度的紧张有益于健康激素的分泌,这种激素能增强身体的免疫力,抵御外界的不良刺激和疾病的侵袭。这说明( )。
A.意识对于人体生理活动具有调节控制作用 B.世界上的一切事物都处在变化之中 C.没有人脑就不可能有人类意识的产生 D.物质是能够为人的意识所反映的客观实在 我来回答: 提交