For more than six million American
children, coming home after school means coming home to an empty house. They
spend part of each day alone. They are called "latchkey children".
They’re children who look after themselves while their parents work. And
their bad conditions have become a social problem. Lyne Brown was once the headmaster of an elementary school. She said, "A lot of kids had chains around their necks with keys attached.! was constantly telling them to put them inside shirts. There were so many keys, it never came to my mind what they meant. ",slowly, she learned they were house keys. Lyne learned of the impact working couples and single parents were having on their children. She found that Fear is the biggest problem faced by children at home alone. Many had nightmares and were worried about their own safe A. are growing in numbers B. are also found in middle-class neighborhoods C. watch too much television during the day D. suffer problems from being left alone [单项选择]Before he sank into unconsciousness, he ______ towards the window and managed to open it.
A. fought B. struggled C. walked D. dragged [多项选择]城镇职工医疗保险制度改革的启动和相关改革措施的实施,将为医疗机构建立这样的机制创造良好的外部条件的原因为( )
A. 医院和患者之间有了保险机构,它将为维护患者和保险机构利益选择适合的医疗机构,通过契约对医院提出种种要求和限制 B. 对医疗行为进行经常性的监督与审核 C. 医疗保险奖金来源于单位和个人,他们对医疗费用使用会十分关心,人们自我保护意识日益增强,对医院和医疗行为的合理性就越来越重视 D. 国家实行“医药分开核算、分别管理”制度,医院追逐药品收入受到抑制 E. 随着社会发展政府职能转变,政府和社会都会加强对医院的监督力度。这样可以防范部分行业不正之风,同时也使一部分医疗险有一定保障,缓解医疗机构的经济压力 [单选题]带传动是借助带和带轮间的( )来传递动力和运动的。
A.啮合; B.磨擦; C.粘接。 [单项选择]( )通常是对内部人员进行集体决策的选拔任用。
A. 考任 B. 聘任 C. 选任 D. 委任 [单项选择]
China’s entry into the WTO actually represents the result of a three-sided win-win situation--China, the United States and the WTO. China, still a developing country, has a total economic capacity (1) seventh worldwide, and is the 10th largest nation (2) trade worldwide. In the 21st century, China’s economy will greatly (3) the world economy. Without China, the WTO is (4) , and its role greatly (5) Thus, China’s entry into the WTO is ,necessary for the WTO to (6) its universality. (7) the United States, China’ s entry into the WTO will realize the general needs of the development (8) and the mutual interests of Sino-U. S. (9) trade, and will help gradually solve the problem of huge deficits in the U.S. trade with China. [多选题]举高消防车的安全装置主要由( )组成。
A.顺序控制机构 B.软腿报警机构 C. 底盘调平装置 D.自动断油系统 E.红外探测机构 [多选题]进入猛烈燃烧后的建筑内部,应使用直流水冲击扫射( )等不稳定构件,避免坠落伤人。
A.高空悬挂物 B.吊顶 C.室内天花板 D.破拆玻璃幕墙 [单选题]经济因素对健康的作用可以表述为
A.经济发展不是最关键的因素 B.经济通过文化教育作用于健康 C.发达国家的人健康 D.经济发展只对健康起到正向的促进作用 E.经济促进健康的改善和提高,健康的人群促进经济的稳定发展 [单项选择]有宁心安神,消散痈肿功效的药物是
A. 灵芝 B. 朱砂 C. 琥珀 D. 远志 [判断题]无双向闭塞设备的双线区间反方向发车或改按单线行车时,应停止使用基本闭塞法,改用电话闭塞法行车。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]剩余污泥是指从()排出的污泥.
A. 活性污泥处理系统的二沉池中 B. 初次沉淀池 C. 生物膜法的二次沉淀池中 D. 厌氧消化池 [判断题]“一岗双责”中的“一岗”是指一个领导干部的职务所对应的岗位。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]稳压二极管的正常工作状态是(____)。
A.导通状态 B.截止状态 C.反向击穿状态 D.任意状态 [单选题]南京东车辆段的简称为( )。
A.南 B.南京东 C.南京 D.京东 [单项选择] {{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}